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She was in the waiting room, with her heart in her hands, while that heart whispered prayers to her Creator.

It had been eight hours since his surgery and still no answer!

The doctors kept saying that he was in critical condition but as of that moment, it didn't make sense to her.

She still couldn't shake the image of how she saw Abed lying all bloodied on the cold floor.

Everywhere! There had been blood everywhere!

She closed her eyes shut as she kept viewing the image of blood all over the place.

And Glory be to Allah!

How God willed and planned for her to visit Abed and too, at the exact same moment when Abed had unconsciously had hurt himself.

It was a planned coincidence.

She was thankful that she had reached at the right time and that she had been cleaning his deep damaged cut which was on his upper abdomen until the ambulances had arrived.

The glass piece had cut deeper than it should.

She actually came to congratulate him on retrieving back his rightful company but to her utmost shocking surprise, she came to encounter this horrible scene.

Her endless tears streamed and streamed while her hands shook vibrantly as she tried to insert the silky thinned thread into the needle.

All of a sudden, everything around, started to dangle.

She had to press her hands on either side of her head to maintain her composure.

After a million tries, with the mercy of Allah, it somehow got fixated and within a flash she started to stich up the cut.

She couldn't focus as all she could concentrate was on the red stained fluid all over everywhere.

She couldn't actually see through the cut as those warm tears blurred her very vision.

The lump in her throat actually made it hard for her swallow and her breathing was instantly disturbed.

She knew she couldn't handle blood but if she didn't have had handled herself then, Abed wouldn't have been alive.

She took deep breaths to calm herself and stop everything she was processing in her mind.

But she couldn't.

The nauseating and pungent steely smell of the blood was utterly evident in her mind that every time she breathed, all she could smell was blood.

Every color she glanced at, all she could see was bloodied red!

She became red blind!

Suddenly she felt a warm gentle hand on her shoulder which comforted her a moment that she had to open her bloodshot eyes to stare at another pair of deep and the pitched-blackest eyes she had ever seen.

The other woman seemed familiar but as of that moment, she couldn't really recall where she'd seen her.

"Are you alright?" Her voice came out so soft and soothingly gentle which was filled with sheer concern that for a moment she felt the calming effect on her.

Sahar feared how she might react. She knew this woman was somehow related to Abed and the state she seemed that moment, terrified Sahar to the core.

Guilted: Wars Against The Past (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now