T h i r t y - O n e

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Lateef got to know about the lawsuit. And he also knows about your marriage, therefore Sahar." Zach paused. "He's keeping tabs on you."

Abed's face hardened and he gravely looked at Zach.

"What's his deal?" He said it more to himself.

"He still didn't forget about Hadi and he-"  Abed cut him off,

"And I still didn't forget about my mother!!" He fumed making Zach to roll his eyes.

"What is it with you and your family?!" Zach huffed.

"I know he was involved with Essam's case too." Abed then muttered with a cold expression.

"It's obvious because two deaths in a row isn't just a coincidence." Zach stated. "I'll bring you the cases and the certificates soon. I'll report to Kalim that the case is still going on and see if he could help us gather more evidence. Till then, I'll keep you informed." He got up and exited from the café.

Abed sighed and rubbed his temples.

His fears were coming true, Lateef never forgave him, and he is still hungry for his revenge.

*** *** ***

"Why are we going back? I like it in the city..."  Sahar said as Abed peacefully drove on the highway towards the town.

"I don't know, I miss my place and I want you to stay there for a while and you could pay your father some visits, it's been months and they are probably missing you." Sahar furrowed her brows.

Something was definitely wrong.

"And what about you?" She softly asked.

"I'll stay with you. I took a moth off." He slowly answered. "And we will get out of the country after some weeks." He finally declared.

She smiled with excitement and took his hand in hers which was gripping the steering wheel, she then intertwined their hands and squeezed it.

Abed looked at her, his face was masked with worry and coldness.

Sahar hated to see him like this, she hated that he was always so caged with things she didn't know, and she hated the fact that he barely opened up to her.

"Please let me on in...."  She whispered while he looked away and fixated his gaze on the road.

Abed slowly shook his head, "I will never find real peace among this world of today, no matter how much I search it over the whole universe. It's impossible. Because peace lies with God and with Him everything is very contenting, promising and assuring. All these money, these hectic greed and hunger for materialism, is all pointless. Everyone is so obsessed, like they are willing to do anything for something that's worth nothing, not even ounce a fly or an atom. It's maddening, and then there are the devils of differentials, that lurks behind our hearts, feeding whispers of tempt and whims, and the souls are more than ready to give in to them only to end up realizing that how foolish they were, how wrong and mistaken they were. It keeps repeating and repeating and yes, we all have the same one God, but our devils and darkness are very much different. Oh, forget the devil, he's worth nothing and if anything, he's worth hell. Don't fall for this world, don't give into this world, don't believe in the whispers of satan. Because you are meant to protect your heart against this world and its devils, you are supposed to shield it from everything possible and let none enter in it except for God. That's how your heart stands stranger and stronger among the others. And when your guilt steps in and makes you hurt bad, like you'd do anything to undo whatever the hell you have done. It's like the anger becomes your everything and blinds you to the extent that you go and generate more and more sins and wronged mistakes. But sometimes, you feel that way because you can't acknowledge the gift which was in you all the while but with the devil's help you have buried it deep inside of you. It takes a long and hard time for you to recognize the gifted guilt inside of you. And when you do, you also come to know that it is from Allah. He had put that guilt inside just for you to go back to him. Guilt..... I realized that it is one of the most beautiful of matters that exists." He mused and with a broken voice he finally said,

Guilted: Wars Against The Past (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now