Smooth Criminals

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Me and James were finally relieved of our one year suspension. I sighed as the guards led me out of my cell, and I watched the others let James out of his cell as well. Iris had led us to Hades and his throne, where he gave us the usual pep talk. The one that Dark spoke of before he was changed.

I loathed Hades, Anti, and Y/N, and everyone for that matter, for changing him. Dark was perfectly fine using his own ways to deal with things. But now, he's forgotten about all the nice things we've done for him, and now tries his newest methods to have Y/N all to himself. But clearly, that b**** will never take him, and I feel sorry for him. That gives me and idea. Now I have a plan.

When me and James returned home from the Underworld, he sat down on the couch with his legs wide open. I k ew what that meant, but I needed to tell him my plan, and start it first. I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. He started kissing and biting my neck. I smiled, but leaned my head to the side so his access to my neck was closed.

"Oh come one, babe." He said. "It's been quite a while."

"I's just...I have an idea..." I said with a smirk.

"And that is...?" He put his hand on my upper thigh.

"Not that kind of idea..." I said, putting my hand on his. "This one is about revenge."

"I like revenge too." He smirked as well. "What are we doing?"

" still hold a grudge against Y/N for not letting you explain your mistake from a couple years ago, right?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded. I got up from his lap, and started to slowly pace in front of him.

"And I, have always bullied Y/N, until obviously I had to fake it and be 'nice' to her." I said.

"I like where this is going." He nodded more.

"Poor Dark can't have her now." I looked down at my feet as I stopped walking. "If he can't have her..."

"Ñø ôńę çąń...!" I glitched with a demonic smile. James quickly stood up.

"I love the idea!" He said. "But...we need more people, don't ya think?" He smirked again.

"Yes...I do...I'll go out and find someone to recruit first." I vanished into the air to find someone on the streets and capture make them one of us.

?????'S POV:

I high-hived all of my friends and took one last gulp of my whiskey before walking out of the bar. Everyone else was gonna stay out for a while longer, while I wanted to go home. I put on my leather jacket and walked outside, only to see that it was pouring rain, and was even lightening and thundering outside. There were no cabs around, and there was no one else on the streets. Damn it...I was stuck walking home. I sighed and started walking in the direction of my home.

I thought I heard footsteps behind me, but when I turned around, I didn't see anyone. All I saw was a stray cat that was scrambling around the wet sidewalk trying to find some shelter to hide from the rain. Once it found a small box for shelter however, the box had moved, and the cat sprinted across the street into a different alley. I shivered and continued walking forward, but just a little bit faster.

Then I heard a whoosh-ing sound to the left of me, and looked over there to still find nothing. Not even the stray cat was running around anymore. I looked around more and there was nothing but rain and darkness.

"Hello?" I called out. There was no answer. "Is anyone there?" Still, no answer.

I started walking quicker, almost running now. But then, I was thrown to the brick wall of the building next to me. My eyes went wide and I started breathing heavy.

What the f***!? I thought as I started running, but was then thrown to the dock onto one of the boats. It felt like I was held down to the ground, but then lifted back up and thrown off of the boat, back onto the dock. I saw a shadowy figure, that seemed to have a tint of blue to it, loom over me. They kneeled down and sat on my stomach and lifted me up. They carried me into an alleyway, and threw me to another wall. I fell to the ground and landed on my arm wrong. That's broken.

The figure got up close to me, and then I felt a burning feeling on my fact, it was burning. I saw a knife start branding my shoulder and I tried to scream in pain, but they put their hand over my mouth.

"'re one of us now..." The figure said. It was a girl. I hung my head low to the ground and felt a light grip on my jaw, and point my head upwards. Everything seemed...different. It seemed...brighter. And I felt...stronger. Like I could demolish an entire building in New York.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Elizabeth. You shall be working with me on a...project. And you will go with anything I say...understand?"

My mind started pounding, and what she just said flushed into my mind. "I will go with anything you say." I repeated.

"Good." She smirked. "Now, don't tell James I did this." She said again. She then passionately kissed me and intertwined her tongue with mine. Her taste was intoxicating and it just drew me in. I started moving down and kissing her neck and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She tugged on my hair and I grabbed her by the waist, pinning her to the wall on the other side of the alley. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and she whispered one thing into my ear.

"Welcome to the demon world babe."

Love Conquers All Evil (Anti X Reader, Sequel to Love Doesn't Hurt)Where stories live. Discover now