They're Coming

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The party was starting soon, and people were already starting to arrive. Sadly though, it was mostly full of people that I didn't know, but Lizzy did know. I tried to convince her not to invite people we don't know, but she went as her usual self and didn't listen. I just shrugged it off, and let her invite them anyway. Although luckily, me and Anti were allowed to invite a few people. We invited Chase and Violet.

We couldn't really invite Bing...or Schneep...or Jack. Chase already looked like Anti enough, so we didn't need five Jacksepticeye look-alikes. The only difference between the two was that Chase's hair was more yellow, and Anti's hair was the blue-green colour, and that Chase looked a little younger.

A lot of people were already there, and a lot of them were in the living room or dining room, dancing to another playlist that Natemare had put together. A lot of them were surrounding Natemare and talking to him, very interested in his music, and I think a few girls were interested in his looks. I look over and laugh as I watch the girls drool over him as he talks to one of them.

"What's so funny?" Anti asked as he put his arm around my shoulder. I pointed towards Natemare.

"Oh..." He laughed as well. We watched as Nate cupped a girl's face in his hands, and kissed her passionately. I laughed and looked away. I saw Chase and Violet start walking over.

"Hey dudes! What's up!?" Chase said as he gave Anti the casual bro-hug. I hugged Violet as well.

"How's everything been?" She said as she held my shoulders. She was referring to me being back with Anti.

"Everything's been absolutely amazing, and I love being back with him." I said quietly, yet still loud enough for her to hear me over the music.

"Good." She hugged me again with a smile.

"Ugh, girls. Am I right?" Anti joked.

"I know. They're always making sure everything's okay, always huggin' each other." Chase chipped in. Me and Violet rolled our eyes with a smile. They then started to fake cry and they hugged like us. We both started laughing, and they did too once they stopped acting like us. We saw Emily and Lizzy started to walk over to us as well.

"Hey guys!" Lizzy said as she jumped and waved.

"Hey!" I replied. "This party's actually pretty good."

"Well, I'm glad you think so." She said, lightly shoving my shoulder. I leaned in close to her.

"I think Natemare's enjoying the party too..." I said quietly as I pointed in his direction. She looked over and laughed a little.

"The thing is, I think I know that girl he's making out with." She laughed. I then saw him grab her hand and lead her up the stairs. I tapped on Anti's shoulder and pointed at him as they both left the living room. He face-palmed and sighed.

"We're gonna have to check that room later..." He said. I laughed and continued talking to everyone.

"So, how are you guys liking the party?" Lizzy asked everyone else.

"It's really fun!" Violet said.

"You don't think it's too much?" Lizzy noted.

Maybe just a tiny bit....? I joked in my mind. "No, not at all!" I said aloud.

"Ooh! I love this song!" Emily said, grabbing Lizzy's arms. "Let's go dance!" She started pulling her to the dance floor. I stayed on the sidelines with Anti as Chase and Violet went to the dance floor as well. He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned on his shoulder.

"I love you...." I said to him.

"I love you too." He replied, kissing my forehead. "Wanna do me a big favour?" He asked.

"Sure. What is it?" I smirked.

"Marry me?" He snuck into the conversation. I sighed, but laughed at the same time.

"Later." I answered.

"So that's a yes?"

"Maybe." I looked up at him and kissed him passionately. He put his hands on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair.

As he turned me around I slightly opened my eyes and saw someone walk inside the house, that I didn't expect to see, or really want to see. I squeeled in the kiss and widened my eyes more. It was Dark who walked through the door. Anti let go of my lips.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Uh, n-nothing." I said quickly. "Will you go get me a drink...please?" I pleaded.

"Sure." He answered with a smile. He kissed me again and went off into the kitchen. I walked towards Dark with a surprised, but serious look on my face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Don't you remember that you invited me?" He said. I rolled my eyes and scowled at him.

"I'm sorry!" I said sarcastically. "Was me, punching you in the face to subtle? You'd think that'd be clear. I was uninviting you."

"Y/N, listen..." Dark said as he took my hand. "I'm really sorry about the kiss...and your hand...I've tried to blame it on me trying to adjust to the new life style that I'm forced to live, but...after a while I realized it was just me...being a complete a**hole." He snickered. I looked down at my feet, and smiled a little.

"It's okay...I forgive you...I can't say the same for Anti..." I answered. Just then I looked over and saw him walking this way. He handed me a cup and Dark let go of my hand as Anti wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close.

"Dark...." Anti growled.

"Anti...." Dark replied.

"Can we please calm down?" I said. "This is Nate's night, and I really don't want this stupid feud to ruin that."

"You're right, Y/N." Anti said. "As long as this a**hole can keep his hands off you, I'm fine."

"Everything has been worked out." Dark said. "That's the main reason I came here, was to apologize. The other was to support my friend Natemare...who, I don't even see."

I look over at the stairs and see Natemare walking down the stairs, leading the girl he brought up with him in front of him. She stumbled down the stairs and went back to her friends, showing them a piece of paper that I presume had Nate's number on it. Natemare however, stood there on the stairs, looking into space. I knew what that meant. I looked at Anti who saw it too, and excused myself from the current conversation. But they turned and watched as I walked over to Natemare.

"Nate, are you okay?" I asked. "What'd you see?"

"What's wrong?" Dark asked as he walked up behind me.

"Someone's coming for us..." He said.

"It's Elizabeth." Dark said. "Me and Mark's other egos feel like we've been tracking her for days."

"I didn't see her..." Nate noted. "I didn't see anyone that I recognized either...except maybe one." I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked to see Anti on the other side of me.

"We saw that face earlier today on the news." He said. "It's the guy that went missing...what did it say? A few weeks ago, or so?"

"You mean that Brian Crook guy?" I asked. He nodded in response.

"Why would he want to come here?" I said, confused.

"I don't know..." Nate said. "We'll talk about this more tomorrow...and if they are coming for us...we'll need training...lots and lots of training." He walked back into the party and I sat down on one of the steps.

What could this mean? Why would someone I don't even know want to attack me? And Nate said that there wasn't anyone he recognized. Does that mean there's more than just him? What's going on? Why can't everything just be nornal how it was when I was with Anti before? Everything was perfect was more than perfect...but now it seems that everything has been more dangerous and risky.

But I barely care. As long as I have Anti to love forever...I'll be perfect. He sat next to me, and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

Love Conquers All Evil (Anti X Reader, Sequel to Love Doesn't Hurt)Where stories live. Discover now