They're Here

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I heard footsteps start walking towards us, and I looked up, gasping at what I saw. I couldn't believe was Brian! The guy from the news! The guy everyone's been talking about, and the one that Natemare noticed in his visions. He had a smirk on his face, looking at me as Anti pushed me behind him to protect me.

"She's here..." Anti muttered.

"W-who?" I stuttered.

"Elizabeth." I widened my eyes at Anti's words. Just then, a tree moved in the corner of my eye, and I saw her blonde hair with blue streaks through the snow on the trees.

Shit... I thought.

"She's using you, Brian!" Anti exclaimed.

Brian snickered. "For what? Elizabeth loves me!"

"That's what she's making you think! Seriously, why would she want you? She's just doing this to get revenge on Hades, for something that's not even her business." Anti then widened his eyes, and smirked.

"What's with the smirk, Anti?" I asked.

His next sentance answered me.

"Plus, she just wants to avenge her true lover, James." I couldn't believe it. James was...dead? How? Why? Who would kill him? Wait...were they caught in the act of vandalizing property and trashing the towns? What's going on!? Where am I? I have so many questions, none of which can be answered!

"Think about it," Anti started. "She doesn't truly love you...and you know just won't accept that fact."

It was quiet, only filled with the noise of the leaves on the trees and the wind. I heard Elizabeth's voice though as well, trying to convince Brian that he's the only one.

"There's only you." She said. "There's only ever been you."

Brian must've been completely clueless, because he bought the shit Elizabeth was giving him. He gave me and Anti a devilish smile and said;

"You're both dead..."

Anti shrugged. "Have it your way, then." They both ran at each other. and I stayed back. I didn't know what to do. There was nothing I could do. I was a weak human, not a demon. At least not yet...after we marry, that will be one of the first couple things me and Anti do on our honeymoon..maybe. Do I want to spend my honeymoon in nothing but pain? On second thought, maybe I'll wait a little longer.

Anti slammed Brian up against a tree, and glitched in his face. They were throwing punches and kicks at each other, and Anti would try to swing his knife once in a while as well. He only struck a few times, and even Anti has taken a few beatings. I watched, scared each time Brain would throw his fist, or kick out his foot.

I wasn't paying attention however, and barely noticed Elizabeth creaping up on me. I saw in horror as she smiled devishly at me, and I ran.

"Anti!!" I yelled to try to get him to look my way. He had Brian in a choke hold as he looked at me in shock. He saw Elizabeth chasing after me, and threw Brian in a random direction.

Brian landed on the ground hard, and I noticed that Chase stood over him, with a smile.

"Yo! Wassup? My name's Chase, and you're about to die." I overheard. He grabbed him and started pulling him away. Brian struggled and dug his nails into the ground.

"Elizabeth!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. She stopped dead in her tracks, and Anti picked me up, taking me away from her.

"Elizabeth!!" He yelled again. She looked at him, and started running towards him and Chase. But Anti yelled out to her as Chase finally dragged Brian away.

"You'll never get a chance like this again, Elizabeth!" I knew what he was doing. He was trying to piss her off enough for her to run towards Anti for one final fight.

"You know you want her! You know you want to kill her! You want me to feel the pain that you felt, when Hades killed James!!"

She clenched her fists tightly, and she scowled at Anti.

"C'mon now!" Anti yelled as he stepped up. "Hit me with your best shot...bitch!"

Elizabeth stood there, practically shaking in anger as she stared Anti down. She then finally had enough, and screamed out as she ran over to him with her hands out, looking like she was about to wrap them around his neck. Anti ran to her as well, and pushed her away from me. She flipped him over his shoulder, onto his back, and continued running towards me. I backed up as much as I could, which wasn't much, but luckily Anti glitched behind her and threw her away from me. She did a superhero landing when she landed, but it still slowed her down enough for Anti to make it over to her, and knock her back down with a quick slash of his knife.

Anti put her back to his and he put her head over his shoulder. Elizabeth looked at the sky as Anti looked like he was...trying to pull her head off! Literally! She struggled to pry off his grip, and after a while, succeeded. She threw him in a random direction, but he glitched back down in front of her and kicked her away from me. But then...

Elizabeth got a hold of Anti's neck, and lifted him up off the ground. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I watched in horror, but then I realized...

I can't just watch this!

I have to help Anti in some way...but how?

I saw his knife laying on the ground, and widened my eyes. I quickly picked it up, and snuck behind Elizabeth and sent the knife into her lower back. Anti watched her fall to the ground, and looked at me with pure shock. He took his knife back as well. I felt a grip on my leg, and saw Elizabeth trying to pull me down. Anti ripped her grip off of me, and sliced off her head. She fell to the ground, lifeless as her head fell down as well. Her dark blue blood spread in the snow, and I backed away from her body. I looked up at Anti with shock. it over? I thought.

He walked forward, stepping over Elizabeth's body. "Its's all over..." He wrapped his arms around me, and held me tightly. I did the same as I looked down at the ground.

She's dead...after years of torment in high school...and even torment after high school when I first met Anti...after all of this...

The torment ends with death.

I couldn't believe it...

I didn't even know whether to be happy from the fact that nobody's trying to kill me, or sad from the fact that this is what she chose for a life. To become a demon, and only to go down the wrong path and act this way. And now look where it's led her too.

"C'mon," Anti sighed. "Let's get to the others."

Love Conquers All Evil (Anti X Reader, Sequel to Love Doesn't Hurt)Where stories live. Discover now