Love/Hate Heartbreak

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Dark pulled into the driveway to his house and we got off of the motorcycle. I placed the helmet on one of the handlebars, and walked inside with him. Though before we got inside, everyone that was inside came outside. Wilford, Google, and Dr. Iplier came waltzing out of the house.

"Well look who finally decided to come and visit?" Wilford said.

"Hey Y/N!" Google waved with a big smile.

"Dark's got a case of the crushes the past few months." Dr. Iplier laughed.

"Okay, you guys can shut up now!" Dark said. I laughed a little. I saw a girl walk around the corner. She had blonde hair, but wore all black and looked down at her feet as she walked.

"Who's that?" I whispered.

"That's Amy. She's...shy. Her father and mother died when she was about four years old, and she barely talks to anyone." Dark explained.

"Who are you?" Amy snapped.

"She can be snippy." Dark whispered.

"I can see that." I whispered back. "My name's Y/N." I said louder so she could hear me.

"So you're the one Dark won't shut up about." She crossed her arms and walked away without another word.

"She seems cheery." I said with a slight laugh. I looked in her direction, and she was standing on a cliff. She jumped and turned into a mountain lion. I widened my eyes at the sight.

"You saw that too right?" I asked.

"Amy is also a demon. Her main power is shapeshifting." Dark said. "She became one when Wilford denied her love." Everyone had gone back inside, so me and Dark were in the garage, just talking.

"So what, she loved him, and she didn't like her back?" I asked.

"Not exactly. Wilford is already focused on something." Dark said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...for Mark's personalities...we can't really multitask that well." He gave out a slight chuckle. "Wilford is focused on his spy missions, Dr. Iplier is focused on being the best doctor, and Google is focused on trying to take down the human race. So...Amy didn't really have a choice but to deal with it."

"What about you? Are you focused on anything majour?" I asked.

"Not anymore." He sighed. We walked out of the garage and out to the cliff that Amy was standing on before she ran away as a mountain lion. We looked down into the lake below us.

"Lizzy is dragging us to a party tonight." I said. "You come of you'd like."

"Maybe." He smiled. I watched as the waves of the water crashed against the beach in the distance, and splashed on the bottom of the cliff.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He said.

"It is. I wish I could look at this everyday." A small breeze started to blow and blew my hair in my face. The smell of the water below me filled my lungs, and it was calming. But then I remembered...I had a risk of being seen as a demon if I went out a lot after I was changed...I couldn't see this everyday.

"Maybe you can." Dark said. I looked at him.

"How?" I asked.

"If you were with me," he started. "I wouldn't have you change. I've changed my look, as you can see, and I've had some changes in my overall look. You wouldn't have to change for me because we'd look like a regular couple." He said. I looked down and shook my head.

Love Conquers All Evil (Anti X Reader, Sequel to Love Doesn't Hurt)Where stories live. Discover now