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Anti was keeping watch around the tent and campsite, as I drew random doodles in the loose snow on the ground with a sharp rock. Anti also said that he would keep me updated on how the fight was going for Dark and everyone else. I was scared. I was nervous. I had just made friends with Amy, and I don't want to lose her already. And I've known everyone for so long...Violet would be absolutely heartbroken if Chase didn't survive...I still need to get Wilford and Amy together!

But I pushed all these thoughts to the side, and tried to stay as positive as I could around Anti. I was sitting and admiring the sky, when I saw Anti started to quickly walk towards me. He kneeled down and grabbed my hand, making me stand back up along with him. He backed up against a tree near the edge of the cliff we were on, and he looked around at the surroundings.

"Anti...sweetie," I stated with a weak laugh. "What's going on?" I asked.

He looked around again. "That Brian Crook guy? He ain't there...he's not where Wilford and everyone else is...and I have a feeling he's not alone." Anti explained.

"Well, if he's not alone..." I started, but Anti finished.

"He's with Elizabeth...like you dreamed." I widened my eyes and my breathing started to quicken.

We're dead. I thought. Unless we get some help...

"Already on that." Anti answered as he read my mind. "Chase is on his way."

Then, I started hearing feminine giggling...I looked around, as the sound seemed to surround me. I looked at Anti.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "Hear what?"

"It's like a girl laughing..." I heard it again and tightened my grip on Anti.

"I don't hear it..." He sighed. "But it can't be good."

Then, after a little more of the creepy giggling girl, it started to whisper things to me.

"Y/N....I know you're here...." It whispered. I wrapped my arms around Anti for comfort.

"Sh-she said something..." I stuttered.

Anti took his knife out of his belt. "What was it?" He asked. "What did she say?"

"She knows I-I'm here..." I whispered in fear. Anti growled and lightly shoved me behind him.


I was walking around the area to make sure everything was as it should be. I was almost finished and on my way back to Y/N, when I thought I saw something in the corner of my eye. I thought I heard the trees and bushes ruffling and making noises as well. I looked down where I saw it and didn't see anything. Then I felt it...a presense of people that should not be here. I need to ask someone if the people are who I think they are.

Hey Chase! I thought.

What up dude? He thought back. Kinda busy right now.

I know, but I need you to sneak away to the campsite. And, is that Brian guy there?

No...I don't see him. I'll be there in a moment.

Thanks dude...

I started to slightly panic, and ran back to Y/N to make sure she was okay.

I turned the corner and saw her sitting down in the snow, her hair brushing her face from the wind blowing, and she was just looking up at the sky. I admired her beauty, but shook my head to get myself out of my trance. I walked over to her, and grabbed her hand. I led her to a tree near the edge of the cliff, and leaned up against it. I looked around to make sure no one was around...at least yet.

"Anti...sweetie," Y/N said with a weak laugh. "What's going on?"

"That Brian Crook guy? He ain't there...he's not where Wilford and everyone else is...and I have a feeling he's not alone." I explained as I looked around again.

"Well, if he's not alone..." Y/N said with fear. I finished her sentance.

"He's with Elizabeth...like you dreamed." I said. I felt her breathing slightly quicken, and her grip on my hand tighten a little bit.

"We're dead." She thought. "Unless we get some help..."

"Already on that." I answered, reading Y/N's mind. "Chase is on his way."

I started to hear laughing...it was sinister. It was clearly a man. I shook my head to get it out of my mind, but it didn't work. In fact, it started to get louder. I ignored it as best as possible. I looked down at Y/N as she looked up at me.

"Did you hear that?" She asked, looking worried.

I tilted my head, raising an eyebrow. "Hear what?"

"It's like a girl laughing..." She answered. Her grip on my hand tightened even more, and her other hand grabbed my arm tightly.

"I don't hear it..." I sighed. "But it can't be good." I could still hear the sinister laughing, but then it actually spoke.

"We know...where...you...are..." It whispered. I didn't have any reaction except for reaching for my knife in my belt and putting my hand on the handle. I didn't take it out of my belt, but at least I was prepared.

Y/N wrapped her arms around me and she held onto me like she would be pulled away any second. I put my free arm around her and held her close.

"Sh-she said something..." She stuttered.

I swiftly took my knife out of my belt. "What was it?" I asked with gritted teeth. "What did she say?"

"She knows I-I'm here..." She whispered in fear. I growled and lightly shoved her behind me.

They won't take you...I thought to myself. I love you...and I'll kill them if I have to.

Love Conquers All Evil (Anti X Reader, Sequel to Love Doesn't Hurt)Where stories live. Discover now