Mysterious Events

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?????'S POV:

"Everyone shut the f*** up!!!" I yelled. Everyone did what they were told and stopped trashing the street and making everything a mess. They all looked at me with shock and anger.

"You all need to calm down..." I growled. "We get closer, and closer to our target everyday. And...I even have found a picture of her." I took a photo of her out of my pocket. Everyone quickly teleported in front of me and I passed around the picture.

"We have almost been caught. If you can't control will die..." I said as I walked behind them. "If you go rogue, you die. If you refuse an die...I think I've made my point." The last person in line gave me back the photo as I put it back I my pocket.

"Finish up what you're doing." I said as I stood back and let them continue trashing the place.


I watched over Brian and the rest of my army trash the entire alley. I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist and turn to see James. I smirked and laughed a little as he started kissing my neck.

"I love you Elizabeth..." He said. I looked down at the ground.

"I love you too, James." I said as I bit his neck. He growled with a mix of a moan. I laughed quietly in his ear. He backed away.

"Where did you find this guy?" He asked.

"I don't know. I saw him on the night he left, and somehow, I knew he was the one." I bit my lip and tried to hide it.

I felt a slight chill down my back from a sudden gust of wind. I heard voice behind me, that I immediately recognized and booked it. I hid on a tall roof of the building next to us, and watched as I left James to fend for himself.

"My my, hello James..." Hades said as Iris and a couple other demon guards stood by his side.

James turned around and looked around for me. "Elizabeth?" He called out. I wanted to, but I didn't answer.

"Is this your doing?" Hades said.

"W-what? No!" James said defensively.

"Iris..." Hades said as he turned to her. She smirked and looked back at James.

"Pain." She said. James screamed into the sky and I watched him go through the most amount of pain I've seen anyone in my life go through.

"Elizabeth!" He screamed. I widened my eyes in shock. "This is all her doing! This wasn't even my idea!"

He's ratting me out! And I still love him...but I love Brian too...I balled my hands into fists, and felt tears well up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall and be shown as weak.

"Iris..." Hades said. "What do you think? Do you think he's lying?"

She stopped putting James through pain for a moment and looked at Hades. "I think he's lying." She said. I widened my eyes more. "Shall we finish him off?"

Hades nodded and took something out of his pocket. It looked like...a knife...but it glowed! It was surrounded in a complete pitch black smoke. He handed it to Iris.

"I think you should do it, my dear." He said. James started screaming in pain again as Iris focused her eyes on him.

"Gladly." She said as she started walking forward. All I could hear was him screaming, and the sound of Iris's heeled boots clicking on the roof of the building. She approached him slowly and looked down at him, and blinked. James stopped screaming and face planted into the ground holding his stomach. His coughed up blood and looked up at Iris. She said one word, that made a single tear fall from my eye.

Love Conquers All Evil (Anti X Reader, Sequel to Love Doesn't Hurt)Where stories live. Discover now