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Me and Anti met Wilford at the battlefield everyone else will be fighting at. Anti already said that he will not be fighting and we will both be at a campsite in the mountains. Anti also explained new demons and how they act in the first months of change, so I knew what to expect from the army. He said that when they can't count on their sense of sight, they count on their sense of smell. So if I'm not there at the battle ground, they could find me because of my stench. But luckily, Anti said that demons can mask up a human's smell. But Anti won't be able to cover me...that's where we are now.

We walked over to Wilford and Dark, who were probably talking about the plan. Anti grabbed my hand and looked down at it.

"You're not wearing you're ring?" He said.

"I don't want it to get lost." I answered.

"Or you don't want Dark to see it." Anti smirked.

I blushed. "Shut up..." I said as we approached Wilford and Dark.

"Wait, so what is it you want me to do again?" Dark asked, confused.

"We need you to carry Y/N to the campsite, while I stay here with Anti for a few and wait for everyone else to arrive. He'll meet you guys there once everyone gets here." Wil explained.

"You're positive this will work?" Dark said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Anti chipped in. "I used to be rabid like them, until I finally got some sense knocked into me. Now, please do this. I'll meet you there."

"Okay." Dark said. He opened his arms up and I walked closer to him. He swooped me off of my feet and cradled me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck to make sure I didn't fall.

"We'll see you soon." Dark said.

"I love you Anti." I said.

"Love you too sweetheart." He replied. I blew him a kiss before Dark started walking away. I leaned my head into Dark's chest for comfort.

"So, you gonna ask me not to fight as well?" Dark asked as we entered the forest. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"That wasn't my choice. Anti chose not to fight so he could focus on my safety." I explained.

Dark nodded his head in understanding. "So you think I don't care about your safety." He said, hopefully joking.

"That's not what I said!" I said. "You wouldn't be fighting if you didn't care. Even though I don't want you to..."

"But I want to." Dark protested. "I love you."

I silently sighed and rolled my eyes slightly. "Mhm..." I said.

"C'mon, don't be like that." He said. "You can love more than one person at a single time. I know because..." He stopped himself.

"Because what?" I said.

"Because that's how you feel." He said. I widened my eyes.

"What makes you think that?" I asked, feeling my face start to grow a little warm. Maybe...after his change...I have started to like Dark more and more...maybe almost to the point where it's a start of a love...but it's not the same love I feel for Anti. My love for Anti is the strongest, and it's not even at its peak. That will be on our wedding day, but I tried not to think about that too much. I don't really want Dark to find out. It'll break his heart.

"Because I know you feel something for me!" Dark said, answering my question. "I can tell that I make you feel certain things when I'm around."

"Yeah? Like what?" I snapped a little. Dark smirked as he looked forward as he walked.

"Well...I make you nervous...I can tell sometimes that you tense up when I'm around you." As he said that, I felt myself tense up like he said, knowing that it was a little true.

"Like now." He said, looking at me. His head started to slowly lean closer as he looked down at my lips and I may have taken a glance at his. But I caught myself before he could get any closer.

"" I said looking down, making sure he can't get to my lips.

"I know. I promised I would wait until you said so." He smirked again.

I laughed a little. "Well you're gonna have to keep that promise for quite a while." I said. We both laughed again and continued walking.


I stood there waiting as Wilford went to go check and make sure Y/N's scent wasn't picked up. I paced back and forth, stopping every once in a while to tap my foot until Wilford finally came out of the forest.

"All I smelled was Dark's cologne. Not a single trace of Y/N anywhere." Wilford said.

"Thank god...." I said with a sigh.

"This will work..." He said. We both sat down on the grass as we waited for everyone to show up.

"So," he started. "Have you asked her any more times?" I smirked, knowing at what he was hinting at.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Well, what'd she say this time?"

"She said yes! I gave her a ring, but she's not wearing it today."

"She's probably afraid Dark will see it." Wil noted.

"She is." I answered with a slight laugh. "But we'll have to tell him somehow..." I sighed.

"Well it's too late now. They just left." Wil said.

"Obviously. I'll think about it, and then he'll be able to tell...hopefully." I laid down on the grass and waited for everyone to arrive.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I have two reasons for that.

1. This book seems like it a gonna be the shortest out of all of them in the series which kinda sucks.

2. I have contracted the dreaded fever called Writer's Block. I hope to be cured soon.

All of my stories will be updated as soon as possible since how school started again, but I will try my very best. I hope you enjoyed this one even though it was short. I'll see you in the next one!

Love Conquers All Evil (Anti X Reader, Sequel to Love Doesn't Hurt)Where stories live. Discover now