Amy's Tragedy

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(A/N: This chapter has some touchy subjects in it. I warn you before you keep reading)


The same day, and everyone was still training, but it began to grow very late. Wilford had announced that we would have a late night for training. I walked inside Dark's house and was watching TV while trying make myself a snack. Amy had walked in and was listening to music and not paying attention to me at all. She seemed to be in her own little world ever since she overheard mine and Wil's conversation. I sighed as I looked at her, and wasn't paying attention to my own actions.

Anti snuck into the house, probably just coming in to check on me, and I wasn't paying attention to where I was cutting. I was cutting strawberrys, but accidentally sliced my finger a little bit.

"Damn it!" I said as I dropped the knife and held my finger. Anti glitched over to me and took my hand off of the small cut.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said as he started to heal it. "I mean, I've clearly felt worse pain." I looked at my wrists.

"Well, you won't have to worry about pain...for much longer..." Anti kissed my forehead. "You're gonna be pretty strong."

"Well, God I sure hope so." I laughed. I heard Amy scoff and stomp into another room, slamming the door behind her.

"Don't worry about her." Dark said as he walked in. "She's been more sassy than usual. Anti, Wilford wants you back out here."

"Okay. I'll be out in a minute." Anti said as he passionately kissed me.

"Hurry up..." I said with a smile.

"I'll try." He smiled before walking away, and back outside. Dark gave me a smile and wave. I returned the expression, and he walked outside as well.

I looked at the door that Amy slammed, and I felt really bad. I don't know what I just did to push her off of an edge, but I didn't mean to. I know Dark said not to worry, but I've been where she is. I want to make sure she's okay, and I don't care of I get in trouble or not. I slowly stepped closer to the door, and looked outside to make sure no one was looking. I was safe, and took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Go away!" Amy yelled, muffled through the door. I thought I heard her sniffle as well.

"Amy, please let me come in..." I said.

"No! I don't want you to come in! Leave! Me! Alone!" She yelled again. She was sniffling, and that meant crying. I'll ask one more time before I walk in.

"Let me come in, or I'll walk in by myself."

"No! If I want to be alone, leave me alone! I don't get how hard that is to understand!" She yelled. I slowly cracked open the door and tiptoed in.

"Amy...." I said to get her attention. She turned around and widened her eyes. She then made swift movements, as if she was hiding something. I walked over to her and sat next to her. She had her legs crossed, and her arms covered by her leaning forward, laying on them.

I used to use that trick...

I knew what she was doing...I looked around to find the knife.

"W-what are you trying to find?" She stuttered. I looked under her legs. "Hey!" She yelled. Then I saw it. The glow of the blade, and the blood stains that covered the tip and dripped down onto the carpet. I took it out from between her legs. She blushed in embarrassment.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about..." I said, shaking my head. I looked at the knife to see that her blood was light blue.

"It kinda is!" She snapped as she crossed her arms and looked away.

Love Conquers All Evil (Anti X Reader, Sequel to Love Doesn't Hurt)Where stories live. Discover now