2. Welcome to the Abyss pt II

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There was a hard knock at her bedroom door. What now! Before she could utter a word, the door swung open. Dominic. God, what did he want? She clutched Lolita to her chest desperately hoping he would go away. Bleh, he wasn't going anywhere, was he? She groaned. Just leave her alone! She shoved the plush toy under the pillow and sat up.

"Look, Rachel and I are going to the mall. You wanna come?" he asked.
Wuuuut? Her? This human? Her eyes flickered over him suspiciously. What was he planning? Why was he inviting her out? Then the previous conversation she overheard from earlier bled into her mind. Was this his way of making amends? Then again, she was gullible. She feared further rejection, but this was a light at the end of the tunnel... a speck of hope in her cold grey world. She could make this work. This was an opportunity to look for a job, to start saving money and get a laptop for senior year.

"Sure. I'll go, but I don't have any money," she said, glancing away.

"It's not my fault you spend all your allowance," he replied.

You stupid son-of-a-jerkface-gah! What made him think she got anything from this horrible family?!

Ugh! She settled for a look of disbelief, maybe he was out to get her.

"This is what's in your room after all these years?" he said, looking around. "That's your bed? Did you ask mom and dad for new one? I thought Rachel gave you her old queen?" he mumbled.

She knew it! That girl was always up to something.

"Just give me five minutes to throw on some clothes," she said, pushing him out the door. He didn't seem so bad. Rosalinda threw on a pair of dark jeans and pulled all of her long hair into a high ponytail. It still managed to touch the lower end of her back, at least it was off her butt. God, it took some serious neck strength to wear hair this long. She put on some flats and a white tank with a faux leather jacket. There. She was good. Glancing in the mirror, her lips upturned at her reflection. She didn't look pale and washed out.

Dominic was leaning against the wall texting when she opened the door. Jealousy flared within her tasting like acid on her tongue. He looked so normal. Like he belonged in this world. Che. Not like there's another one. She stamped down envy swimming through her veins, and tried not to think about her awkward and friendless state.

"Good. You're ready. And in five minutes. Impressive," he chuckled.
"Thanks, I think. Where's Rachel?"
"Getting dress, she so slow at times," he said, rolling his eyes.
She didn't know what was going on, but it felt like they were having a sibling bonding moment. The atmosphere was comfortable, she relaxed. It felt quite nice. Maybe things weren't as bad as she thought. Rachel stomped out of her room and glared at her. Okaaay? Why was she always so hateful? It must be exhausting.

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