26. Thrust into Darkness

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Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dream dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

--Edgar Allen Poe

--Edgar Allen Poe

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Entering her dorm, she sat on the couch, groaning as she took her shoes off to massage her feet. Why did women go through such lengths for beauty? But more importantly, how was she going to get to her dad's realm. She didn't want him to know she was coming. Tapping her finger on her chin, she contemplate a plan.

Should she call forth the shadows? Would death feel the tug? Grrr! This was much harder than she thought, wait a minute. How did Lolth get in here? Didn't Drac mention something about a portal being in my room? She rushed inside, her eyes darting around looking for anything that resembled a portal. She didn't see anything. She dropped down into the chair, studying here reflection in the vanity. Her frustrations were evident by the wrinkles in her brow and the tension in her limbs. Where was the portal? Her eyes slid to her reflection once more, studying the vanity table.

Her mother did say this piece was very old, and that it was the only thing connecting her to death. But, why keep something if it reminded her of a monster? She ran her hands along the oval shape mirror, noticing the falling petals and bones carved into the ivory colored material. Butterflies erupted in her stomach, and she held her breath, moving her finger closer towards the mirror's surface.

"Eek!" She squeaked, the glass in the mirror rippling with her touch. This was crazy! Surprise, surprise. This was the portal Drac was talking about? She stuck her hand right through the glass mirror in amazement. It actually passed through!

"Aarrgghh!" She screamed as something grabbed her hand, and yanked her through into the unknown.


"Tell me, whatever she has to offer I can do it better," she utter throatily. Rachel tried to invoke sex appeal and seduction, but all that was racing through her veins was fear, for her mother.

"You, impertinent child! Get away from me disgusting creature!" He roared in fury.

What was going on? She didn't understand. Usually, her tactics worked on all men. Who was this guy?

"Who are you?" she asked coldly, her eyes scanning the room, looking for the perfect opportunity to free her mother.

"I am Ari'el," he said haughtily. He could see how appealing she would appear to the untrained eye. However, she was as disgusting as a disfigured creature, her jealousy for her sister Rosalinda rotting her from the inside. She was inconsequential. Instead, he snapped his fingers and grinned as chains of light shot from his fingers, surrounding his captive, binding her in place. She was the key to Rosalinda.

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