8. Absence of Light

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Disappear there's no more

Mysterious folklore

Awaits at your door

Her body tense as fear burst in her stomach

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Her body tense as fear burst in her stomach. They were trying to kill her. The surrounding vampires launched themselves at her and she broke out into a cold sweat as her mind tried to keep up with her body. Petrified, she watched as they propelled themselves at her like bullets. She needed to move. Move. Move!

Her vision flickered, time warped and she was plunged into the strange realm from her dreams. She stared as the blacken sky, and its moons greeted her. Okaay, what's up with the glowing skulls? Was that really necessary?

Her eyes trailed over the ominous looking mountains and the creatures spilling from them decorated in armor. Why on earth was it gold plated? Was this some strange episode of Saint Seya? And why were they standing there? Were they waiting for something? Suddenly, she was sucked into the present.

She yelp, the vampires were frozen mere centimeters from her form. "W-what is happening?"

Her skin crawled, tremors sent her limbs wayward and she collapsed onto the floor. She didn't want to be here anymore. Wasn't her powerful vampire boyfriend supposed to protect her?! He was supposed to be king! Her heart hammered away in her chest like a jackhammer as she crawled away. If she could just get to the door. "Eep!" She screamed as she nearly collided with the vampire at the door.

Umm, he was frozen...in mid-air? Did her hottie of a vampire boyfriend do this? Had he come to save the day? She rolled her eyes at the thought of her man coming to save her from her impending doom. If only she possessed some otherworldly ability, she would save herself. "Aarggh!" She screamed, the vampire's eyes moved and connected with hers!

"They're alive!" she squealed, rearing back and falling on her butt. She crabbed walked away from the vampire before plastering herself against the wall.

"I'm going insane. I'm dying," she said, heaving and trying to force the hysteria away. B-but they hung in the air like puppets! She didn't want to become a marionette. S-she had to go! What creature possessed such a power to control time? This power couldn't come from her, this was beyond magic and the lure of vampires. This power was ancient. She stood in awe, confounded by the vast greatness and energy surrounding her. There were no longer any clever and witty remarks spewing from her lips. She remained plastered against the wall, afraid of the creature that could do this to her. Cyriac's father spoke, his trembling voice breaking her stupor.


I-it was a monster! A shadow man! A creature that belonged where the wild things roam. This thing separated Aser—Cyriac's father essence—eer soul from his body. Worse, was the sudden hungry feeling burning in the pit of her stomach.

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