9. Gateways of Death and the New Guy

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Laying in her bed, she gently kicked her feet as her eyes scanned her bedroom walls. Geez, these walls were bare. Not even a doodle. Guess, she didn't see the need of trying to make a place she didn't belong home. Weird huh? Sighing, she shuffled over to her vanity table and flopped down in the chair. What was so important about this old piece of junk?

"Ah, that feels good," She mumbled, pulling the hair tie out of her hair, and letting her hair fall around her in thick waves. Picking up the hair brush, she slid silky strands of her hair through it as her thoughts ran rampant. Where are you? She frowned at the thought, her grey eyes oddly blank staring back at her.

Rosalinda hissed as her heart throbbed painfully in her chest and her world shatter around her. "I don't understand." She sobbed softly. Was it a mild stroke? Heart attack? What's wrong with her? Maybe she should say something to mom. Yeah right. If she told her to give concessions to that evil sister of hers one more time, she would scream.

Standing up abruptly, she paced her room. There was no knight and shiny armor coming to rescue her. And why should there be? If she wanted something, she needed to work for it. Grasp it with her own two hands, that way, it would be much more rewarding. And she was the only person holding herself back. She would get a job, work part-time so when she'd graduate, she could pick up more hours while attending college. Things with her family wasn't ever going to change. It was a fate she resigned herself to. Dropping down onto her bed, she slept.


Distorted images of skeletons moving through shadows seared her eyeballs as the daunting calls of the creatures living at the base of the large mountains filled her ears. She glanced up into its darken sky, only to encounter familiar sea green eyes. But how? Why did they look familiar? Who are you?

She jerked awake at Rachel's grand entrance into her humble abode. "Rosalinda! Get up!" she screeched. Why was she bugging her so early on a Saturday?

"Mom says get dress were going to visit Dominic's campus, something about parents day. College boy's yay!" she shouted in glee running out of her room. Grabbing the covers in her fists, she groaned. Why couldn't she sleep just a bit longer? Better get going.

Disentangling herself from the blankets, she climbed out of bed dragging her feet to the shower. She hurried, scrubbing herself raw, before leaping out and getting dress. Sliding into a pair of skinny jeans and a worn black Hello Kitty shirt, she studied her image. Ugh, she felt like a loser. It would be too much to fight with her hair. Grabbing a hair tie, she gripped it with her teeth while she brushed, and pulled the long tresses into a low ponytail. There. Frowning at the sun peeking in though her curtain, she grabbed a cap. No need to have her eyeballs incinerated today.

College campuses consisted of budding adults walking around with backpacks too full on their backs, rushing hurriedly on to their classes or lounging on one of the many benches throughout the campus, which was exactly where they found Dominic. Thankfully, he chose to lounge on a bench that was close to main entrance so it was easy to spot him. He sat with his hands linked behind his head and legs stretched out along the bench. Rosalinda rolled her eyes at the girls surrounding her brother. Some things never change. With brown hair and baby blues for eyes, there wasn't a doubt in her mind that he would be so popular.

Rachel skipped up towards the group, while she lagged behind her mother hoping to shrink her freakishly tall height, but no such luck. Mom hurried towards Dominic to give him a hug, more like swatting the hot little bees away from her son. She held back a giggle.

"Hey sweetheart," she told him while shooting daggers with her eyes at the girls who dared surrounded her 'innocent' baby boy.

"Hi, mom," he said giving her a hug. She waved a meek hello, while standing next to mom and he acknowledged her with a nod. Rosalinda heard the other college girls gasped at her.

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