4. Who's Afraid of the Dark pt II

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Rosalinda grumbled as her mind race with thoughts of her family. She left a small sticky note on her desk in case anyone was worried. It was stupid. They didn't care. Nobody cared. She buried the fear bursting in her stomach. Didn't want the dynamic duo to finish the job. Why couldn't she be normal? Why wasn't she apart of the family? She shook her head as if she could rid of herself of the depressing thoughts weaseling their way into her heart. She sighed, her eyes sliding over the contract. Wait a minute. It was farther than she anticipated. Why didn't she noticed it sooner? Because, dollar signs were dancing in her eyes! She wanted to weep at the injustice of it all. There was no way she could manage this job, unless she could get her last class as a free block. It was worth a shot.

She gathered her things and logged off the desktop computer. A prickling sensation gave way at the back of her neck, a warning in disguise. Tensing, she whipped her head around searching for a threat. What the heck? No one's there. The hairs on her arms rose, and an unsettled feeling filled her stomach causing queasiness to burst in her gut. Maybe she ate something bad. It was nerves. She would be face to face with a Novack soon.

There was no reasonable explanation why someone would be watching her. Her paranoia had her on edge. She gulped loudly, her eyes darting around the old library, okay? Crap, she was sweating. She stood shoving her things in the backpack. What's that? Her stomach rolled once more hearing squeaking hinges and her teeth begin to chatter. Her eyes locked onto the shadows dancing across the walls and along the bookshelves. Eh?! Was it her or did the shadows seemed to reach for her?

She wanted nothing to do with them! Backing away from them, she fled. She supposed being stuck in her room all this time was finally taking its toll on her mind. She talked to trees, stuff animals and now shadows. She couldn't wait to start working. Having a hot guy to look at on the daily basis should definitely distract her from her craze thoughts.

Arriving to the Novack estate, she whistled. She looked totally out of place here. They were loaded. She was aware of their wealth, but experiencing it firsthand was completely different. "It's beautiful," she whispered, appreciating the old romantic style. Her obsession with the home gardening television station was showing. The chimneys were grouped together, and the windows were quatrefoil and clover shaped. It was impressive. She hurried towards the door.

Now that she was here, she realized she was totally unannounced. What's wrong with her? What if he wasn't home? She could always tape it to the door. Oh well, at least it's after four. Besides, she's only dropping the contract off. She wasn't staying for tea. After the kind of day she had yesterday, she just wanted to disappear into her room. She lifted her hand, prepared to ring the doorbell when the door opened for her. Creepy. A beautiful woman stood in its path watching her with bedazzled eyes. Long inky silky hair gleamed when she moved and almond shape eyes sat eloquently on her face. Her skin was almost translucent.

"Welcome, I am Catalina," she said gracefully, welcoming her into her home. Tongue tied, Rosalinda managed to wheeze out her name. Maybe she was the maid. She certainly didn't look like one. She fought with the stupid muscle in her chest. He did say this was his family estate, but Rosalinda failed to see any resemblance between the two.

He's just your boss idiot! You're not dating!

"I'm sorry is there a particular reason you are here?"
"Yes, I am looking for Mister Cyriac," she told her trying not to blush as she said his name and thought of those mind boggling sea-green eyes. She followed behind Catalina's slender form draped in an off the shoulder black dress. She's gorgeous. What if he's married? Her heart trembled inside her chest. What on earth was wrong with her? She thanked Catalina and took a seat in the living room. While she sat, her eyes flickered over the magnificence of his home.

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