34. Bleed for Me

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It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood.

-William Shakespeare

Swallowing the souls, she belched delighted at the fullness of her belly and the new find she discovered in the Shadeland near the ocean of subterfuge. Her eyes drifted past the stark white furniture in the colorless room, landing on the vibrant soul in the corner.

"Pretty," she mumbled smiling when it went from its burning red color to fuchsia. Rosalinda clapped her in hands in glee, moving closer as a girlish squeal slipped from her lips. It was nice to laugh considering the war looming ahead. A war that started because of her. She returned to the sofa flopping down and dropping her head into her hands.

Worry consumed her. She hadn't seen her beloved since her father's tirade, and the image of a metallic box floating in an ocean sent worms squirms in her belly. She felt sick. And she needed her destine to reassure her that everything was fine. That it was okay. He found her broken and lonely and somehow breathed new color into her world. She felt beautiful, unique and strong. She even had a small circle of friends and a father who loved her in own way. It was all she ever asked for. And yet, the war threatened their very existence. Feeling the heat emitting from her right, she glanced up smiling at the red soul hovering towards her right. It was trying to comfort her—a soul eater. How strange.

"Its okay soul, Daddy's going to bring Cyriac back to me and everything will be okay." The soul burned fiercely as if in agreement.

"After all he is Death,"

The soul flickered.

"Don't be afraid soul, I won't let anything happened to you," she promised, surprising even herself.


"In here, daddy!" she shouted.

The soul drifted closer trying to conceal its presence. It was impossible, though. Smiling, she petted waiting for her dad. This time he emerged from her reflection against the window.

"Dad, you have got to stop doing that it's creepy," she said shivering in remembrance.

"I smell something delicious," he hissed invading her personal space. He placed his nose against her collarbone inhaling the delicious scent the soul left behind. Ugh, her dad had no concept of personal boundaries. She leaned away, frowning when he trailed a skeleton finger down her face. Rosalinda's heart thrust itself against its cavity when she spotted the maggot crawling along the bony finger.

"Eek!" she shouted leaping away from him and revealing the soul.

"Come now, Dumu-mi, surely you've grown accustomed to my pets."


"Oh, what a surprise we have here?" he said, focusing on the soul.

"You can't have him, daddy! He's mine!" she fiercely told him scooping the soul and holding close to her chest.

"Aw, look whose becoming selfish. You are turning into a beautiful creature of the night," he cooed.

She scrunched her nose at the decomposing flesh falling from his body and onto the floor, and her flesh puckered at the juices join the flesh on the floor.

"Don't you think you can change your form, daddy?"

"Fine, you will learn to change forms as well Dumu-mi, don't think I've forgotten about your scythe training."

She gulped not happy with the change of subject. The last time shee trained with him, he tried to kill her! She was still human. She could still die! Her eyes slid from her father to the soul in her hands.

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