5. Pretend Date

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Shadows cometh

Darkness falls

They cannot cope

So there's no hope

The small alarm clock in her room blared, rudely interrupting her adventures in the illusionary realm

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The small alarm clock in her room blared, rudely interrupting her adventures in the illusionary realm. Climbing out of bed, she stretched. Today was the first day of class and she finally got a job! Cyriac was picking her up from school today, so she wanted to look professional and sophisticated. Like an adult. And maybe a tad smexy. Gah!

For the sake of school, she decided to wear some black skinny jeans and a casual grey top, a half sleeve with a collar. She couldn't leave without her safety net, so she grabbed a black hoodie and black baseball cap.

She probably looked washed out with all the black. Whatever. Shrugging her shoulders, she grabbed her clothes and hurried toward the bathroom. Didn't want to bump into the queen of the damn. Last thing she needed was one of her sister's insane stories.

"This is it," she told the girl in the mirror. It was time she started taking control. Tossing her clothes in hamper, she ran downstairs. She was sitting at the table pouring a bowl of cereal when her mom entered the kitchen.

"Hey mom, do you know where Rachel is? I mean we're going to need to leave soon if we want to make it to school on time," she said, scarfing her food down, hitting her chest to help swallow before chasing the rest down with orange juice.

"Rachel has already left honey. I can give you a lift."

Rosalinda grumbled under her breath, "that's one of the things I don't understand. Rachel has her own car at fourteen going on fifteen, and I'm seventeen and I don't have anything." She was hurt and the wails grew inside. They were the lost souls of men at sea seeking to find their way home never to realize they slept an eternal sleep at the bottom of the sea.

"I'm sorry sweetie."

Sorry?! Was that all she could say? Rosalinda didn't understand her mother at all. She nodded her head mechanically and grabbed her things. If this was some inkling to the kind of day she was going to have, she was in for a rude awakening.

Arriving at school, she was met with stares and whispers. Okay? What was going on? Did she have something on her face? She kept her head down, hurrying to her first hour which was advance placement Calculus... so she was smart, sue her.

She dropped heavily into her chair, sighing, ready for the day to be over with. She began doodling in her notebooks as her eyes swept the classroom before stopping at the door, resting on the teacher. The chatter ceased and she gulped as everyone eyed the teach like prime steak during a lion's feeding.

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