42. A Familiar Face

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"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."

-Terry Prachett, Reaper Man

A grim and yet determine expression settled onto his face like stone as the blood from his brother-in-law sprayed through the air like mist, a tall-tale of the sacrifice he made. The darklings stared solemnly at his immolation, such a thing was unheard of. The portal swirled in the sky like a falling star setting the blackened sky aflame. His eyes shifted toward his right immediately taking in the cherry oak color skin man standing at his side. They were doing this. His mind flashed to his destine, remembering the first time he encountered her.

The heavenly scent filling the mall that day drowned all the other humans. His blood roared and his vision tunneled. It astounded him that she was all he could see. He was aware of his abnormalities and didn't want to burden her with them. In the end, he purposely crashed into her nearly unloading when her soft body collided into his solid one. And he knew in that instant, she belonged to him.

"Move out!" Abigor commanded tearing him from his thoughts. Cyriac swallowed thickly, his limbs trembling in anticipation.

"I'm coming, love," he mumbled, stepping into the swirling bright light with the god of war at his side.

He paused waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light's intensity. "Astounding," he said quietly, stunned by the memories lining the portal. This was Dominic's memories and his heart drummed, invigorated by his selflessness. He would bring her home at all cost.

"Let's move."

His small group of six moving forward. Cyriac eyes swept over the darklings noticing the glowing white path crumbling when they moved forward. How would they get back? His eyes landed on Sariel and Raziel, surely they could help with this. Regardless, the most important thing was Rosa. With a burst of speed, he propelled himself forward towards the opening in front only to be shocked when he went through a barrier without any issue. He stared looking his body over and didn't feel any different. The angels murmured a few words and Cyriac watched as a strange golden character appeared and solidified before stretching into a massive opening big enough for the army to fit through.

"What are you?" Sariel whispered.

His green eyes clashed with her blues ones and he shook his head. Now was not the time. Instead, he focused on the strange crystal city, frowning at the massive whole in the mountain. The city certainly felt strange, Cyriac felt as if something was missing.

"This place feels empty," he said to no one in particular. Even the glass pavers seemed lifeless. He squatted touching the glass and frowned when it began to glow. "What is happening?" he mumbled. He was just going to keep his hands to himself.

"The court!" Sariel whispered, stopping behind him. "It's gone."

"What do you mean?" Did that mean they were too late?! He stood turning toward her.

"No, it means the pillar of Heaven's Prarie is gone. It's why this place no longer has any life." Raziel said, studying him. "Although the paver's response to your energy is unsettling. Only a seraphim of the highest court could cause such a phenomenon."

"Beats me." He shrugged his shoulders, "where to now?"

"The mountains," they replied in unison.


Seraphiel smiled at the whitening of her hair. Only the roots had the pure color but soon the red would fade. Feeling something enter the realm that didn't belong he slammed the surgical tools down upset at the interruption. He was too close! The hollowness inside of his chest bothered him, putting him in a bad mood. He left his future bride on the table and walked across the room. Lifting the plastic latch, he pressed the glowing blue button and tapped his foot impatiently waiting for his latest experiment to appear. Shoving aside the rage at being disturbed, he put a serene expression.

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