36. Revelation

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Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.

-Khalil Gibran

He tore at the cage trying to break free, but this material was impenetrable! Damn! He licked his lips surprised at the sugar coating them. Cyriac paused taking a moment to study his surroundings. The ocean roared in his ears deafening all sounds including his thoughts, and he squinted spotting a cloudy figure in the distance. Would they help? The ocean's raging sounds deafened his ears and he paused in his struggle focusing on a pearly figure in the distance. It was... a woman. This creature invoked something within him that he hadn't felt before. He wanted to cry.

His lips trembled and he blinked rapidly rubbing at his eyes. Something was in his eye, probably the weird sugary water. His anxiety increased. Even the others were so quiet. He didn't like it. He'd grown accustomed to hearing them in his mind. Now it was quiet and he felt alone. He gaped as she approached with her arms outstretched.

"My son, my baby," she wept fluttering about. With a wave of her hand the cage crumbled. Wrapping him in strange energy, she brought him forward until his face was buried in the crevice of her neck. The memories of him being locked away in the dungeon and the ominous whispers of his strangeness faded away.

"Mother," he croaked overcome with emotion. How did she? "How?" he sobbed overwhelmed by his emotions. There were so many questions? Where was she? What happened to her? Why did she leave?

"Oh what I would give to wield the power of time," she said, clutching him closer to her. "But alas, I must depart."

"Wait!" desperation evident in his tone. Swallowing the rock lodge in his throat, he tried to keep her close. But she pulled out of the embrace and touched their foreheads together.

Cyriac yelped at the massive amount of information pouring into his mind. He had a twin? And they were hybrids? Shock ran through him. His mother was of the highest of heavenly order. Did the welkin know?

"You're seraphim?" he gasped, astounded. This was simply too much. Why hadn't his heavenly powers manifested?

"You must go, my son. The second breaking is underway. If it isn't stopped, the realms will fall."

"But I cannot leave you! Rosa, would be happy to meet you," he continued ignoring the sad shake of her head.

"Only my soul is able to manifest here for a short amount of time. I've been saving my last for the moment I met you and your brother. I hoped to see you both, but it's not possible."

"Where are you?" Cyriac demanded panic laced in his tone.

"I'm sorry," she said sadly before becoming serious. "Son, look at the river."

Although he wasn't happy with her response, he obliged frowning at the crystal blue water flowing among the chaos and dark tones of the realm.

"The balance is upset. And Rosalinda is the key to the upset. Light cannot exist without darkness. The link between darklings and the welkin is closer than you think."

Cyriac grumbled hating the rational coming from his mother. He nodded his head and they flew over the river towards the forest of reckoning.

"Do not deviate from your path. I don't care what you see," she said seriously as their feet touch down outside the forest. He shrugged nonchalantly when she spun him around and gripped his face in her hands.

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