Chapter 1 - An Idiot Steals my Sword

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*This chapter has been edited

This is my first fan-fiction guys. After reading so many Percy joins Chaos books, I decided to write my own. I've seen all the ideas, and am prepared to add a few twists of my own. (Cough-dragons-cough) Hope you enjoy!

Percy's POV

I was having a great day. There's nothing better than celebrating the defeat of Gaea, one of the oldest primordials. It had been exactly one year since the rise and defeat of Gaea, and camp was going to have a celebration at tonight's campfire. The stories of the prophecy of seven would be told to the younger and newer campers, while eating cheeseburgers (my favorite) and dessert. It was afternoon now, and I was heading to the Athena cabin to fetch Annabeth the decorations she needed in order to plan the celebration.

Even the Ares cabin was looking mostly joyous. Well, as joyous as they could get. I felt bad for the poor son of Demeter who they were currently harassing. I waved. They ignored me.

The Athena cabin, Cabin 6, was located to the immediate left of the Ares cabin. Lucky them. Logic and strength. A great combination when used cohesively. A bad one when going against each other.

As I was exiting the Athena cabin with my arms full of streamers, balloons, and a pin the tail on a horse game (which sounded super painful for the horse) a high pitched scream filled the air. The other campers startled, but before anyone could react, I was sprinting towards half-blood hill.

As I suspected, a new demigod running for his life from a hellhound. I reached into my pocket and uncapped Riptide. The weapon sprung out of it's pen form into a three foot long, leaf tipped, celestial bronze sword. It was only a hellhound. Easy.

It's funny how I considered a hellhound an easy challenge now. After all the things I had experienced, fighting a hellhound was like taking a walk in Central Park.

The boy fell on his butt and backed into the Thalia's pine tree. He had a look of absolute terror on his face as I jumped between him and the hellhound. A few seconds later, the monster was a pile of golden dust. I knelt down in front of the boy. He was about my age, with dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. The look of terror on his face had completely vanished, and instead was replaced by a cold, hard smirk. To be honest, he reminded me of Luke. I held out my hand to help him up, and tried to look as friendly as possible while still covered in the remains of a monster.

The boy gladly accepted, and I pulled him to his feet. I opened my mouth to introduce myself, but before I could, he shoved me into the dirt.

"Hey!" I protested, and winced as I felt myself scrape my elbow on the rough root of the pine tree. That would hurt for a while. Annoyed, I climbed to my feet and confronted him. "Dude, what was tha-"

"Percy!" I turned mid-sentence when I heard Chiron call my name. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the jerk quickly pick Riptide out of the dirt and turn towards the pile of monster dust. He obviously wasn't new to the Greek world if he could just shake off an encounter like that without looking a tiny bit frazzled.

As Chiron continued cantering up the hill, other campers started to file in behind him. I noticed the heads of Piper and Jason in the crowd and I nodded my head to say "sup." But they just glared at me.

Before I could tell Chiron what happened, the boy turned around and flipped my sword around with his wrist."I just defeated those five monsters all by myself," he explained, acting out of breath and exhausted. "When this guy reached the top of the hill, he didn't even help!" He gestured to me. "Like what the heck?"

At this point I was getting tired of being interrupted. I had only just met this boy and I could already tell he was going to be a nuisance. I opened my mouth to try to speak and was interrupted yet again.

"Percy, why would you do that?" Chiron chided. "You of all people should know that it's not right to leave other demigods, let alone new campers, defenseless."

"I-I didn't!" I stuttered. "Come on guys," I gestured to Piper and Jason. "You know I would never do that!" The two seemed to be debating between siding with me or the new camper. I thought back to my first time at Camp-Half Blood. Even after I had beat the Minotaur, no one had treated me with as much respect as they seemed to be giving this guy. Not that I was complaining or anything. It just seemed... strange.

"Percy, it doesn't matter if there's a reason behind your actions. You still left a new camper to fend for himself." This made me mad. I felt like kicking something. But I had enough experience dealing with situations like this. Mostly with monsters and evil gods though. Not idiot demigods. I didn't want to escalate the situation anymore.

"Alright, I'm sorry," I raised my hands in a mock surrender. "I'll help next time."

Chiron nodded curtly. "Piper, why don't you give..." he looked at the newbie, who bowed and introduced himself.

"Jake." he said. "Jake Trident." Piper pecked Jason on the cheek and skipped over, chatting intensely about how much he was going to love the camp.

The new demigod held his head high as he walked away with Piper at his shoulder. "I'll see you at the campfire, Percy." He emphasized my name. I couldn't tell if there was a threatening tone in his voice or not.

At least he'd be staying in the Hephaestus Cabin until he was claimed. Far away from me.

But then a glowing green holographic trident appeared above Jake's head. I sighed. Was I surprised? Not really. I should've known not to hope for something like that. I seem to be slapped in the face with new annoyances from the Fates everywhere I go.

The campers that were walking away turned when they heard Chiron gasp. "All hail Jake Trident," Chiron continued. "Son of Poseidon, god of the sea."

Great. It was going to be a long summer.

I know, I know. Not very much action in this chapter. But there's got to be an introduction. Just keep reading. It'll get better. Next chapter is when we really start getting in to the story. Comment below please! I wanna hear your guy's thoughts and ideas! I'll try to update as much as possible, and hopefully I'll have this book finished. Until next time! -Ahey

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