Chapter 39 - Puny Demigods Decide My Fate

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Haha! Another update! And its Thursday! Just like I promised. However, sorry  @goldenmetapod for not updating this weekend. I may or may not have forgotten that I was going on vacation. This chapter is mainly focused on Kronos. I think he, sorry she, adds more volume to the story. (I just love writing Kronos as a girl.) 


The demigods led me to a pale blue two story house. A balcony wrapped all the way around it. In a way, it reminded me of an old farm house. Now that I thought about it, I had never seen Camp Half-Blood before. I really had only seen New York.

Chiron pushed the doors open, and I ducked in. As I walked by, I didn't acknowledge the centaur. Choosing to train demigods and pit them against me. What a disgrace to the family. 

The guys in hooded cloaks followed us in. Behind tagged that scrawny and annoying boy Leo, who nudged me and grinned when he caught up to me. 

"So," he said. "About this alliance thing, dude. What made you change your mind about, you know, the whole killing demigods thing?" I growled at him, and he held up his hands. "Jeez. Just asking."

"For the 138th time," I counted. 

"Ooh. A math genius. Didn't know the king, sorry queen, of Titans was that smart!" Leo teased. I slapped him. Then I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him closer. It was too bad I had weak girl muscles. Being trapped in this body was not going to help matters. 

(Ugh. Weak girl muscles. To all you other girls out there, I don't mean it. Just part of the character. You can probably tell now that I hate it when people underestimate girls.)

"Listen you," I sneered. "You think you're so funny, but that will get you killed one day. The only reason I've kept you around is to gain the trust of...them." I gestured to the nine people in black cloaks, who had made themselves comfortable in the tiny room. Leo just wiggled his eyebrows at me, then sat to the right of the guy in the cloak with the black and green dragon on his shoulders.

Now that I thought about it, all nine of them had dragons perched on their shoulders. A girl with a cloak outlined in pink had a pink and silver dragon with twirly long horns resting on her arm.

Commander Hair Salon had his black and green dragon twirled around his neck, snout shoved close to his ear.

The girl sitting next to the Hair Salon guy had a grey dragon with flames on its legs curled up one her head.

Where had they gotten them from? As far as I knew, all the dragons were in the monster army that we had formed. Well, it was no longer a we. Just a them.

I twirled my hair and sat down, before realizing that everyone in the room was staring at me. I glared back. Chiron and Leo shuffled and looked at their feet when they saw my glare, but the others never broke eye contact. 

Hair Salon spoke first. "Kronos. You have five minutes to state your business here, and to tell us why we shouldn't burn you to ashes on the spot." The girl sitting next to him whispered something, and her dragon arched it's back, small flames flickering out of its mouth.

"I'm here to ally with Camp-Half Blood against Gaea and Tartarus," I stated, unsurprised when I hear gasps coming from everyone except Leo and Hair Salon.

"There has been a...dispute...between the others and I." I continued.

(Do you guys remember when the Porphyion the giant king from, "The Lost Hero," said the titans were foolish and that the giants wouldn't make the same mistakes the titans did? Yeah. Well, this it building on that.)

I explained the argument between Porphyion, the twins, Hyperion and I had. Although to others it may not seem as important, questioning of powers was huge, especially for kings. I wanted this alliance with the demigods (the word was still bitter in my mouth) to prove that I should be the ruler of Earth. Besides, I wasn't promising not to betray them in the end or anything like that. 

When I finished, everyone was silent. Even Hair Salon, who had been leading the entire conversation and questioning me at every detail, was silently studying me.

I cleared my throat to break the silence. Everyone snapped back to attention. "I am not promising to be respectful to you, nor am I promising not to kill you when I get annoyed..." I opened my palm and a small flame appeared. Point proven. "But I am promising an alliance that will give you a huge advantage in the war."

"And why would we need that?" The girl with the gray dragon asked. "We as a camp already work well together. Besides, how would we know you wouldn't betray us, or that you weren't a spy for the other side?" Beside her, the girl in pink flinched.

"You don't," I told her, and grinned evilly. "But I guess you'll just have to take that chance." 

No one said anything for a while. The half-bloods in cloaks just stared at each other, as if they were communicating telepathically. Of course, I knew that was impossible. They were only demigods. Powerful demigods, but demigods all the same. Besides, why was I so worried? I was the king of the titans. I was the titan lord of time. I had the upper hand here.

After another period of silence, the leader turned to me. "You may stay, but you must swear on Chaos' name to protect this camp and fight alongside the demigods in it."

"Chaos? You mean the fake guy who supposedly made the world but is just a myth?" I asked. I thought they were going to make me swear on the River Styx, not some old mythological guy who couldn't affect me. 

"Yes," said the leader. "That old mythological guy who can't affect you." Creepy. He just said the exact words that I was thinking. 

I shook myself. I hated this feeling. I was more powerful, and always would be. These demigods couldn't lay a finger on me. I squared my shoulders and said, "Fine. I swear on Chaos' name to protect this camp and fight alongside the demigods in it."

He seemed satisfied, and released a breath that I hadn't noticed he'd been holding. Then he smiled. I could tell he smiled from the way he tilted his head and relaxed his shoulders. "Now," he said. "Seeing that you're a teenage girl and part of this camp, we'll need a cover up for you, a fake identity so the campers don't know who you really are."

Before I could say my thoughts on the topic, the girl with the pink dragon raised her hand. Commander Hair Salon nodded his approval, right as she said slyly, "I'm thinking the Aphrodite Cabin." 

Before I could protest, the group herded me out the door of the Big House and towards a bright pink cabin with birch wood walls in the distance. They shoved me to the front step and knocked. A young Asian girl wearing pink heels and a silver tank top opened the door. I recognized her from many years ago, the one who screamed when she saw a sword.

"New camper, Drew!" The gray dragon girl announced.

Drew squealed and jumped up and down. "Makeover!" she cried. The last thing I saw was Commander Hair Salon's smirking grin as I was ushered inside, a grin that said, you asked for this.

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