Chapter 10 - Percy Turns Everyone Pink

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Hello people! I don't have much to say right now, other than the fact that I want to give a shout out to LemonChifffron, who has voted on every chapter in this story. Thank you so much! Last thing. I drew that picture of Annabeth's dragon above. It was based off a pic from the internet. And no, I didn't trace it. I drew it freehanded. Ok, now on with the story.

Annabeth's POV

I stifled a laugh as I watched Percy cower under all the stares from the people of Planet Chaos. Chaos had said we, meaning Luke, Bianca, Percy, and I would be going out to celebrate and to meet our team. However, he didn't mention that he wanted us to mount our dragons and parade through the streets of Planet Chaos. Being a daughter of Athena, I loved attention. I smiled to all the people staring at my dragon and I, who I had decided to name Shula. 

Shula meant flame in Arabic. I know, I know some weird things. Like the Arabian language. I figured the name was fitting since Shula had flame patterns all over her grey scales. 

Percy's dragon Neptune was currently trying to get Percy to come out and meet the public, as Percy was currently wrapped up in his wings, hiding his crown and his face. Percy was not having it. I could tell the last thing he wanted was to become prince of the universe. After all, it gave him triple the attention that he tried so hard not to attract.

Shula glanced up at me, her grey eyes specked with orange and yellow. Can't you talk to him? she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. He'll get over it. He's Percy. Besides, I can't talk to him over the roar of this crowd. I gestured to the thousands of people who had gathered to watch us warriors.

Why don't you try one of your new powers? she suggested. 


Shula raised an eyebrow. Didn't you get powers? You are a warrior of Chaos after all. See if you can create a mind link with him like I do with you.

She had a point. I couldn't be a Wing of Chaos if I didn't have powers. I concentrated, my eyebrows scrunching together. I heard a small pop in my ears, and suddenly my mind flooded with Percy's thoughts.

Stupid Chaos. Stupid prince of the universe. Why did it have to be me? Wouldn't Jake fit the title so much better? I could almost hear him scoff in his mind. To much power. That's all its been, power, power, power. And a crown. With a side of betrayal. And blue jellybeans. Ugh, stupid ADHD. I paused before mentally speaking to him, slightly amused at his thoughts.

Um...Perce? You need a moment? I spoke in his mind. Percy glanced up at me, unfurling his wings slightly to meet my eyes.

You heard all that? he asked. I nodded. He curled up his wings again and went back to brooding. 

Look Perce, I thought. You can't just hide from all of this. You agreed to come with Chaos, and you were fine until now. Why don't you just accept it? So many people would want to be in your shoes right now. 

Oh yeah, Annabeth? What if you suddenly became princess of the universe, and everybody addressed you as, My Lady, or, Princess Annabeth. 

I would hold my knife at their throats until they stopped, I said, very straightforward in my response. He unfurled his wings a bit. I saw him smiling at my antics. 

You see what I'm dealing with? 

Absolutely, I responded. Just try and get through the night, ok? Besides, being prince might not be so bad. Just think of the power and authority you would have. You could play pranks all day and night. 

This finally got him to unfurl his wings completely, causing the crowd to scream and push forward to get a closer look at the adopted son of Chaos. Yeah, I guess. 

I smiled. Try out a new power. We already know we can read minds. What else?

Percy grinned evilly and pointed his finger at a barrel sitting on the side of the road. It exploded in a burst of pink, covering everyone within a ten yard radius of it, including me, in pink powder. Oops, he thought.That was supposed to turn into a fountain. I glared at him.

We finally reached the end of the street and the parade ended. Chaos turned from the front of the line and smirked. "Maybe we should work on those powers, starting tomorrow morning." Percy groaned at Chaos' suggestion.

Chaos then proceeded to introduce us to the crowd under fake names. Percy had asked that he not reveal our real identities. He wasn't ready to reveal our real identities after the betrayal we had faced on Earth. Chaos had just shrugged and assigned us all code names that he used to introduce us to the crowd. I was Delta. Percy was Epsilon. Luke was Alpha, and Bianca was Omega.

After Chaos introduced us, he had us sit down at a long table at the head of the crowd. Already sitting there were about seven or eight people, all wearing hoods that covered their faces. They watched us as we took a seat next to Chaos, who was sitting at the head of the table. Percy sat down and was immediately pushed against the wall with a knife to his throat.

"Who are you?!" The attacker sounded like a girl. 

"Uh, Epsilon?" I could tell Percy was shaking. All the other times girls had attacked him hadn't gone well. Like Thalia and I. 

The girl sighed exasperatedly. "No, idiot. Your title. Where do you sit in rank that makes you important enough to sit next to my father?" 

Percy looked at me. Her father? 

I shrugged

The girl looked annoyed. "Yes, my father is Chaos. Now who are you?" She pressed her knives harder against Percy's throat. Percy looked at me helplessly. 

I shrugged again. I would tell her. You probably don't want to mess with a daughter of Chaos. 

But I'm a son of Chaos! He whined.

I laughed. So now you're worried about your titles. Just tell her. You could have a sister!

He sighed and listed off all his titles to the girl, who was still glaring at Percy and I. When he finished, the girl stepped back and sheathed her blades. "I don't usually warm up to people easily, but I guess I should try since you're my adopted brother. Mind telling me how you got here?" This time she didn't seem threatening, she genuinely seemed curious.

Percy nodded. "Meet me in my room," I glared at him. "Sorry, our room, after the party." The girl nodded, satisfied, and held out her hand. 

"I'm Adria, daughter of Chaos. A secondary warrior, meaning I'm a warrior but not on the Wings of Chaos." Percy reluctantly shook her hand. 

"Here's the rest of the team." She gestured to the other six people, who I assumed were the Warriors of Chaos. One by one, each took off their mask. Percy and I gasped. Luke and Bianca, who were sitting across from us, gasped as well. 

Tenth chapter with a new character! Who is Adria, other than a daughter of Chaos? And who are the people under the masks? Ooh. Suspense. I'll probably be updating another chapter today, since I've got quite a lot of free time. This is why I love summer! Well, see you next chapter! 


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