Chapter 8 - Jellybeans and Bad Dreams

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I'm back! (Says in a sing song voice) Once again, it's been a busy day. I had my last class of math, PE, history, and my elective today because tomorrow is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! Woo Woo! (Pumps fist in the air) After tomorrow, eight weeks of relaxation. And a cruise to the Caribbean. :) Anyways, I'm excited to write this chapter because it's got a Percabeth moment. And if you can't tell, I totally support Percabeth over all the other ships. (Like Pertemis or Perzoe) Well, hope you enjoy the chapter! It's got lots of blue jellybeans!

Annabeth's POV

I walked out of the palace court with Percy and my two other undead demigod friends. I couldn't believe it. Luke was back! After everything we went through since I was seven years old, like the cyclops that killed Thalia, and the Titan War, it was amazing to see him standing in front of me, grinning like his old self.

Bianca on the other hand had me on edge. I barely knew her before Artemis and I were kidnapped, but Percy spoke highly of her. He deeply regretted her death ever since it occurred, and had tried to make it up to Nico ever since. I could feel jealousy beginning to blossom inside of me. What if Percy picks Bianca over me? What if we don't stay together? What if...

I pinched my wrist and mentally told myself to stop worrying. I loved Percy and he loved me. Why else would he have fallen into Tartarus with me? Also, Chaos had said we were sharing a room. He would've declined if he didn't love me. I forced myself to stop thinking about things like that and plastered a smile on my face.

While I was thinking, Percy had taken up a conversation with Luke and Bianca. They were discussing the events that had happened after the two died. Both Luke and Bianca seemed astounded that Percy not only fought and won in the Titan War, but in the second Giant War against Gaea as well. I looked around the hallway that was coming to an end and saw three rooms. Two rooms labeled Luke and Bianca were on the left wall. A room labeled Percy and Annabeth was on the wall to the right of us.

Percy and I waved goodnight to Luke and Bianca. They would need time to think over the events that happened today. I wondered how I would feel if I had died and come back to life as the co-commander of an army. Probably pretty shocked and confused. I entered the room on the right with Percy at my side.

The first thing I noticed was that there were two beds. I sighed in relief. I may love Percy but I didn't think I was ready to sleep in the same bed as him yet. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Percy relax as well. He might have been thinking the same thing. If he was thinking at all. I smiled to myself. That was one of the things I loved about Percy. He seemed so oblivious, but once you got to know him he could be quite smart.

I averted my gaze from the beds and looked around the room. It was decked out in sea green and grey decor, the signature color of Percy and I's eyes. The room was also huge. Looking back into the hallway, it didn't seem that something this big could fit in such a small area. It must be some sort of magic. There were two closets and two bathrooms. Each labeled Percy and Annabeth. Chaos must have known that Percy and I need personal space sometimes. I remembered the fight that Percy and I had over who got the bathroom first when we were taking a vacation to Europe with the rest of the seven to celebrate the defeat of Gaea. Looking back, it seemed like such a big fight over such an unreasonable topic. I smiled as I continued to explore the room.

The architecture was amazing. On my side of the room there were beautifully sculpted pillars and arches around the windows. On Percy's side there were the metal waves similar to the ones in the palace court surrounding his bed. They were silver with a touch of sea green. To top it all off, a small creek flowed in circles throughout the entire expanse of the room, with plants and sand covering it's tiny river bank. Although each side of the room was built to fit the unique personalities of Percy and I, everything seemed to work together, from the colors to the architecture.

I looked over at Percy and saw that he had found a jar of blue jellybeans sitting next to his bed. Percy had this weird obsession over blue food, ever since his abusive step dad had told him and his mom that there was no such thing. He was shoving the candy into his mouth by the handful, his sea green eyes lit up with excitement. He finally realized I was staring at him. He looked up and offered me a jelly bean. "Want one?" he asked, his mouth full of candy. I laughed.

"Don't speak with your mouth full, Seaweed Brain." He quickly swallowed the rest of the jellybeans.

I felt exhausted. It had been a long day, from being summoned by the creator of the universe to bringing two demigods back from the dead. I lay down in my grey bed streaked with silver, and my eyelids fluttered closed. "Goodnight Percy." He looked up from his jellybeans.

"Night Annie." I was too tired to scold him for calling me Annie.

That night I had a horrible dream. Percy was getting tortured by a figure dressed in all black that mysteriously looked like Chaos. Something was off about the figure though. It seemed darker, eviler, if that's even a word. I watched as he doused Percy with a bucket of poison, and Percy started screaming. I shot straight up in bed, screaming, and sighed in relief when I realized it was only a dream.

I looked over to the bed across the room and found a worried looking Percy, his feet dangling over the edge of his bed. His sea green eyes were full of concern. "Bad dream?" I nodded. He patted an area next to him on his bed.

I clambered out of my bed and shakily walked over to him. My head was still full of Percy's screams from the dream. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my neck. "Do you want to talk about it?" I nodded and leaned into his side. He was warm and smelled like the ocean. Percy unwrapped his arms from me and proceeded to wrap me in a blanket. He then layed down next to me, and nodded his head, telling me to explain.

I recounted my dream to him, and by the end I was in tears. He held me close to him while I sobbed into his shoulders. "I thought you were going to die." I sobbed, tears streaming down my face. He shushed me and rubbed my back. I kept crying into his shoulders. By now, his pajamas were extremely wet.

While I cried, he tried to cheer me up. He talked about all the times we were together, like our trip through Tarturus and our first quest to find Zeus' Master Bolt. "Remember our first real kiss?" he asked. I nodded. How could I forget. It was pretty much the best underwater kiss ever. "How about we reenact that?" he said as he kissed me. I melted into his warm embrace, forgetting about my worries. We were with Chaos, the creator of the universe, and our two demigod friends. What could go wrong? I pushed the dream away and I quickly forgot about it as I fell asleep on Percy, who was murmuring to me, telling me not to worry.

Yay! A Percabeth moment! What do you think Annabeth's dream meant? Do you think it will come true? Let me know in the comments! I'll see you next time when I can finally write the part that I've been waiting for, for what seemed like forever. Dragons!

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