Chapter 5 - I Meet a Mutated Dolphin

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*This chapter has been edited.

Hey guys! I've been exploring the area around the tournament before my games tomorrow. There is so much to do. It's also given me some inspiration for this chapter. Hope you enjoy! 

Disclaimer: I don't own the PJ or the HOO series. All rights belong to Rick Riordan.

Percy's POV

I didn't know what to think of Chaos. Both the planet and the primordial. After Luke's betrayal from the titan war, and the camp's betrayal after Jake's arrival, I was having a bit of a hard time trusting a random old guy in space robes. But Planet Chaos was giving off totally different vibes.  Everywhere I looked there were lush green plants and beaches with soft sand and rolling waves. My doubts about joining Chaos dulled a little bit. There was no way a guy who lived on a planet as nice as this could be evil. 

I thought about what would happen if he did turn out to be bad. It would be pretty embarrassing if my famous last words were: "There was no way a guy who lived on a planet as nice as this could be evil." But for now, I was backed into a corner. I couldn't just refuse the offer of an ancient primordial. I would probably die if I refused, and I would probably die if he turned out to be evil. I figured I could go along with whatever this was for at least a little while.  

I looked to my left at Annabeth. Her jaw had dropped so low that she looked like she was yawning rather than staring in awe. "The architecture," she gasped. "Percy, are you seeing this?" 

"Yeah, I'm seeing it."

As if he was reading both of our minds, Chaos waved his hand at the wonders ahead of us. "Go ahead and explore." And that was the last I saw of Annabeth as she raced over to the nearest pillar and marveled at its intricate carvings. "Meet at the palace court in an hour!" He called after us. I had barely processed his words before I started running towards the beach. 

The beaches on Planet Chaos were ten times more amazing than the beaches back on Earth. Well, to be fair, as a New Yorker I had never been to any beaches that looked like this. The closest I had ever been to going to the Bahamas was Circe's island, which I definitely did not count. It was a random island run by a witch in the middle of nowhere. I hoped Planet Chaos didn't turn out to be similar. 

Soft, white sand tickled my toes, and turquoise waves lapped at the sand. I felt silly describing this stuff in my head. It was like I had suddenly become the prince from The Little Mermaid. 

I dove straight into the water. Thankfully, my water powers worked on this planet. I did not want to find out what would happen if the water had turned out to not be, well, not water. 

I forced the what ifs out of my head and focused on my surroundings. There were so many different creatures that were definitely unique to Planet Chaos. My favorite was a creature that resembled a dolphin. Only, it had a lot of extra fins and two twirly antennae on it's head. I could have stayed in the water for hours, but a sudden voice caused me shoot out of the water like a ballistic missile. 

"Percy, please come to the castle court," it said. I looked around, my heart going a million miles an hour. My hands drifted towards the pen in my pocked, but as I looked around, I couldn't pinpoint any threat."Relax," the voice said calmly. "It's just me, Chaos, trying to tell you how to get to the castle court." 

The fear in me started deflating like a popped balloon. "Well next time maybe you could try a different way? Like, I don't know, not speaking in my head and scaring me?" I said, annoyed. I got a few stares from the passing citizens on the planet. It looked like Chaos had recruited people and other alien creatures from all over the galaxy. I saw people who looked like they were from Earth, and other, shorter citizens with green and blue scales around their eyes and on their limbs. Most were humans though. To them it looked like I was screaming to myself like a psycho.

Chaos chuckles. "You only need to think about what you want to say. Otherwise, you'll look like an idiot talking to yourself."

"Yeah, I figured as much," I muttered. Where am I heading to?  I thought to Chaos. He gave me directions and I headed to the castle court. 

I arrived to find Annabeth already there, muttering and taking mental notes on the architecture. I could only imagine what would happen if Chaos let Annabeth redesign the place like she did Mount Olympus. She gave me a quick nod and a smile, and went back to looking at the walls. I, however, went to look at the big fish tank in the corner that was full of exotic fish that I had never seen before. We had a quick conversation about how bad the fish food was before a black and white light filled the room. 

"Good afternoon Percy, Annabeth." I uncovered my eyes to see Chaos standing with a woman dressed in all white, who I guessed to be Chaos' wife. The woman nodded in the direction of Annabeth and I. 

 Annabeth kneeled on the floor. I knelt too. Today didn't feel like a very good day to die. 

"Rise, young heroes," the woman in white said. "Welcome to Planet Chaos."

"Nice to meet you, milady," Annabeth said respectfully. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if she curtsied. 

"The fish want better food." I said. I could see Annabeth face palming herself at my foolishness, but I couldn't function with the fish screaming in the back of my mind. Chaos cracked a smile.

"I'll see to that Percy." I blushed and looked at my feet. "Anyways," he clapped his hands together. "This is my wife, Order, co-creator of the universe." Order smiled at us. She was a tall, elegant lady draped in a white, Greek chiton (I fixed the spelling - author). Her choppy black hair fell just below her shoulders. It looked like the hair barber had gotten impatient and just decided to cut it all with a knife. I decided not to mention that to her. 

Chaos, on the other hand, was decked out in all black. In a way, Chaos reminded me of Nico. Except while Nico radiated death and darkness, Chaos radiated, well, everything. Power, energy, light, darkness, death, and life. Don't ask me how I could tell what he radiated. You might as well ask me what he smelled like. 

"Let's get straight to business," Chaos said. He explained how Annabeth and I would be in command of his Wings of Chaos Warriors. He made us take a ton of oaths swearing our loyalty to him. But, I won't repeat them because my ADHD brain couldn't even remember one oath, never mind all eight of them. 

Halfway through Chaos' speech I lost focus and started talking to the fish again. 

"Percy. Percy! PERCY!" I was shocked back to the present by Chaos, who was snapping his fingers in front of my face. I blushed again. 

"Sorry, sir." 

"As I was saying," Chaos continued, with the barest hint of a smile on his face. "As the commanders of the Wings of Chaos Warriors, you will be able to bring back two people from the dead to be your second in commands before you begin the process to become a Wing of Chaos."

"Sorry, sir. Did you say we could bring two people back from the dead?" Annabeth repeated, her eyes shining. 

"Is that even possible?" I commented. Annabeth looked at me. Obviously it was possible, or else he wouldn't have made the offer.

I couldn't believe it. A primordial not only offered to make us gods, but then to allow us to bring our friends back from the Underworld? I was torn. So many courageous demigods had died in the past few years. How was I going to choose?

 Annabeth, however, knew exactly who she wanted. I even knew who she would choose. Chaos tapped his foot as he waited for my decision. There would be no more hesitations.

"I choose..."

Who will he and Annabeth choose? I have already gotten a few votes outside of Wattpad, but I want your opinion. If you don't, I'll have to go with the few that chose outside of Wattpad, and that's no fun. 🙁  So pick please. Until chapter 6 is posted!


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