Chapter 41 - I Run Into my Daughter, Literally

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I kept my word! Another daily update! The picture above is a picture I drew of Annabeth. It's how I imagine her as a Chaos Warrior. (No, I did not pull the image off the internet. It's my own drawing.) I don't have much else to say other than ON WITH THE STORY!!!

Percy's POV

I swooped down to land in front of the Chaos cabin and breathed a sigh of relief.  I had a close call in the forest when Jake looked up when my wing accidentally clipped a random tree branch sticking out in front of me. I mean seriously. What are nymphs thinking when they grow branches? Well, actually, nymphs are just spirits. They can't control it. Anyways, Jake looked up when I so unfortunately plummeted through the trees and landed not so stealthily on a branch not ten feet away from him. Thankfully, he's an idiot and looked up to where the crash happened instead of where the victim *cough* me *cough* would have landed.

After checking over my shoulder one last time, I stepped inside the Chaos cabin and rushed up the spiral staircase. "Annabeth!" I shouted. "Annabeth! I have important news! I need your help to figure out what to do!"

Instead of finding Annabeth, I ran into my daughter half way up the stairs. Literally. I peeled myself off her and offered her my hand to help her up. "Sorry, Serilda," I said. "I'm just looking for your mother."

Serilda brushed off her cloak. "I hadn't noticed," she muttered sarcastically.

I crossed my arms and stared down at her. "We may look like the same age, but I'm still your father. After all these years, I would think you would've learned some respect."

Serilda looked up at me, her gray green eyes flashing in playful annoyance. "Seriously dad? You were the one who taught me how to be sassy and sarcastic." 

I sighed. "Yeah, but to your mom and your fellow warriors. Not to me!" I pointed to myself. 

She laughed. The last time we had interacted like a real father and daughter instead of two fellow warriors was the Monopoly game. Even though it was only a few days ago, it felt like ages. "So dad. Mom's busy and I wouldn't recommend bothering her. She's in a...state, trying to figure out that metal box." 

I knew what she meant. Annabeth, when she was focused, could get a little grouchy, to say the least. "Anything I can help you with?" She asked. 

I wasn't sure I wanted to tell anyone else about the encounter with Jake. If we kept it on the down low, we could surprise Jake and plan easily without several people having the same information. But this was my daughter. She had half of Annabeth's genes.

But she also had half of mine. 

I mentally gave in. "Yeah, I need an idea about what to do about this."

I explained to her about what I witnessed in the forest, leaving out the part about my clumsy fall through the trees. 

Serilda ran her fingers through her messy black hair. It was waist length, and had way too many split ends. Not that I cared. Silena was usually the person who helped us with out appearances, and she hadn't gotten around to giving us all hair cuts yet. 

(Just so you know, I originally described Serilda as having blonde hair and sea green eyes. However, I just couldn't imagine her that way, so now she has gray green eyes with black hair. If you liked her blonde though, keep imagining her as a blonde. By the way, I have absolutely nothing against blondes. Some of my really good friends have blonde hair. I just didn't see Serilda as a blonde.)

"Well, I would definitely recommend not telling many people, including the other warriors," she suggested. "We don't want news to spread and ruin the element of surprise."

"That's what I was thinking."

"But I do think you should tell a few others. We need to take action, and we need people to help us. Who do you know that is good with the 'element of surprise?'" Serilda finished.

Five minutes later, Leo was sitting with Serilda and I in the game room on the second floor. "When do we get to blow stuff up?!" was his overly enthusiastic response to the information we relayed to him.

Serilda rolled her eyes. "No, Leo, we're not blowing stuff up." I forgot that she didn't know Leo as well as I did. She was shaking her head as Leo added an Idiot Mode to our Mario Cart game. 

"I was thinking you could make a tiny surveillance system to follow Jake around to see if he is planning to do anything major to betray the camp," I said. 

"Hey! Seaweed Brain actually had a good idea for once!" came a sarcastic voice from the door. Annabeth was standing there, her hood down and her eyes shining with laughter. I beckoned her over and she sat down on the red bean bag next to me. 

"Hey Wise Girl! What made you decide to join the party?" 

"I need to relieve stress. That stupid mind controlling box is driving me up the wall. I can't figure anything out about it!" She threw her hands up in exasperation. 

Serilda butted in. "Well I'm sorry to say that you won't relieve any stress here. We have another problem that's just as big as that invention." 

Annabeth put her head in her hands. "Ugh. When will I ever get a break?" 

"Never. You're the daughter in law of the creator of the Universe. You will never ever get a break." 

She glared at me. "Not helping."

Leo cleared his throat. "Excuse me! Some of us over her aren't married!"

Serilda laughed and fist bumped Leo. I unwrapped my arm from around Annabeth and cleared my throat. "Back to the problem. I think you should make a surveillance drone in the form of like a fly that constantly follows him around. And would you mind making it slightly annoying? Even if its a small form of annoyance, its still a little bit of satisfying revenge." 

Leo rubbed his hands together and grinned. "Already done."

Annabeth elbowed me. "Percy!" she chided. "We're not here for revenge. We're here for a war!" 

I looked at her. "Really? You're telling me that you don't want the smallest bit of revenge on the campers?"

Her shoulders relaxed. "Ok, maybe a little bit."

Leo, Serilda and I looked at her, not believing one bit. "Ok fine," she exhaled. "Maybe I do want revenge on the campers."

"Done too!" Leo announced. "I have so many inventions that I cannot wait to use on the campers!" 

"I'll help!" my daughter announced.

"Now Serilda, what did I tell you about wreaking havoc on others without permission?" I chided. 

"Do it anyways and make it the worst it can possibly be if they deserve it?"

I smiled. "Go get em, girl." 

Leo and Serilda left the Chaos Cabin, laughing and brainstorming ideas for revenge. 

Now that we had everything under control, tomorrow was going to be a great day.

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