Chapter 4 - Title To Be Determined

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*This chapter has been edited


At sunrise the next morning, I darted over to the camp border. I had left a note in my cabin telling Chiron to tell my mom that I was leaving for somewhere far away. I didn't want to go to mom and Paul's house in case I put them in danger by attracting monsters. 

I reached Thalia's pine tree and turned around to get one last look at camp. I told myself I would come back when things went back to normal, but I didn't know when that would be. 

Peleus purred as I rubbed his head. The massive golden dragon guarded the Golden Fleece that Clarisse, Annabeth, Grover, and I had retrieved to save the magical tree that protected the camp. Compared to the past week, our trip to the Sea of Monsters seemed like a piece of cake. With that last memory, I turned and headed down the hill. 

"Percy, wait!" A voice was calling me from the top of the hill. The person sounded out of breath, as if they had just climbed the lava wall and barely escaped getting burned. I recognized the voice. It was Annabeth. I wanted to ignore her and keep walking. She probably deserved it. But I couldn't make myself do it.

I turned around and sighed. "What do you want, Annabeth."

"Just hear me out," she panted. Her usual calm and calculating demeanor had been replaced by desperate tears. Her shoulders moved up and down in tune with her breathing as she stood bent over with her hands on her knees. I stood above her, arms folded, waiting for her to continue. 

"Please, please don't leave, Percy!" The tears on her face quickened. I kept my expression blank and tried to aim my focus on two tears that were racing down Annabeth's left cheek. Maybe I shouldn't have felt bad for her, but I did. She had run all the way across the camp to explain things and stop me from leaving, and here I was, looking down on her like she was just another monster in my way. 

"Jake, he...he..."

"He what, Annabeth," I finally snapped at her. "Charmed you? Bribed you? Is it his fault that you decided to miss our date to cuddle up with him?"

I could see the hurt in her eyes. It pained me to see her like this. But then her face hardened, and I recognized the typical Annabeth once more. The one who covered up her feelings for the sake of others. 

"You seriously think I would do that?" Her tone of voice had completely changed. This time, I was the one taken aback. "Here you are, leaving camp because other people don't seem to trust you enough to believe that you're not the one who did a bunch of terrible things. Percy Jackson, the coward." 

I flashed back to over two years ago, when Annabeth had called me a coward during our heated discussion about the Titan War prophecy. She wore the same face that she did back then. Angry and hurt. "You run away from things when you're scared," she had said. But soon after, I realized that she wasn't talking about the prophecy. She was talking about our relationship. 

"Did you ever think for one moment that I might be going through the same thing as you?" she challenged. I was shocked back to the present. "I was framed, Percy. But of course you wouldn't know that, because you were too busy thinking about yourself and planning to run away." 

I realized she had a point. I had been so absorbed in my own misery that I hadn't realized that Annabeth might be feeling the same way. 

"Jake spiked my breakfast with a love potion. I swear on the River Styx that it wasn't me." 

I didn't need to wait for the lightning to tell if she was lying or not. I smiled.

"I guess I'm coming with then," she smiled back, and the redness in her eyes faded a bit. And that was that. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and we headed off down the road to New York.


I looked down from Space onto the two lovers. They were brave and had strong souls. The perfect people to join me. I snapped my fingers and appeared in front of them just as they entered Central Park. Percy uncapped Riptide, while Annabeth pulled out her dagger. I just laughed and held out my hand. 

"Good evening, demigods. My name is Chaos, the creator of the universe." Percy looked shocked, but Annabeth knocked him out of stupor by elbowing him in the stomach. She looked at me with her startling grey eyes that most Athena children had. 

"How do we know you're not lying, or are a titan or god in disguise?" She demanded, cautiously. 

"Because," I said. "Do you know many gods or titans who have the power of creation?" I pointed to the sky, and a new star appeared right in the middle of the day. Now it was Annabeth's turn to stare. She quickly kneeled.

"Please forgive us," she said, her voice laced with respect. "We didn't mean to offend you, sir." She attempted to pull Percy down onto his knees. Percy, however, remained standing. He kept his sword in raised in front of him.

"So, creator of the universe, huh?"

"Percy," Annabeth scolded. She kept her face blank and fearless, but I could hear wariness in her tone of voice. I, however, laughed. One of the reasons why I liked Percy was because he had the guts to stand up to anyone, even the creator of the universe.

I nodded. "That's me. And Annabeth, you don't need to kneel." She quickly clambered to her feet. "I'm here to offer you a place as first and second in command of my Wings of Chaos Warriors, my elite protectors of the universe. You would be more powerful than the gods, only second only to my wife and I."

"You're kidding, right?" Percy was still braced for an attack, his eyes darting around looking for hidden threats. "A god like you-"

"Primordial," I corrected.

"A primordial like you just shows up out of nowhere and offers us godhood. Things like that don't just happen." 

I stifled a laugh. "They do now." 

"Even if this is true, what makes you think we'd say yes?" Typical Percy. Turning down godhood first and then a chance to become the third most powerful person in the universe. 

"Annabeth would be coming with you," I informed him. "Isn't she the reason why you declined godhood? You and Annabeth would finally be happy on my planet." Percy finally nodded as he laced his fingers with Annabeth, but he still looked wary and unsure.

 Annabeth, however, was becoming more and more excited as the conversation progressed. I quickly scanned her mind. Mind reading was one of the perks of being creator of the universe. Her head was filled with so many ideas, caution, nervousness, excitement, and love. When I looked within Percy, I found sadness and betrayal. However, his love for Annabeth shone over everything else. 

I didn't normally make offers like this, but the two were exactly what I needed. Modern day heroes who were driven by hope and love, not power and greed. Hopefully, by becoming commander of my Wings of Chaos Warriors, they could become so much more than they would ever be on Earth. I opened a swirling black portal, and stepped in. Percy and Annabeth hesitated for a moment before following. 

We stepped out onto a beautiful lush planet. "Welcome, my friends," I announced. "To planet Chaos!"

Fourth chapter finished! They finally met Chaos! Also, I wanted to make this story different from the typical Percy betrayed. Instead of him going to Chaos without Annabeth, he's going with her. Can't wait to write more!   

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