Author's Quiz

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I decided to do another Author's Quiz, because meh, why not. I'm so happy to be back and seeing all of your hilarious and amazing comments, boosts of encouragement, and begs for updates. But I'm going on vacation in a few days, and I'm very busy, so don't expect an update for about a week. However, I am going to try to keep you busy during that time. Comment as much as you like. I encourage it! It keeps me going during days like today when I was mentally struggling through my day :( . It's ok though, because you guys are here to take my mind off things. Before I begin, I just want to say, thanks for the 83 followers. That's incredible. If we make it to 100 followers, I'll ...  I don't really know. I'll do something cool. Leave a recommendation for a prize in the comments :) .

What is your least favorite subject?
History or English. Probably English because even though I like to write, you're forced to write informative and argumentative essays. I only like to write narrative.

What do you think of the new Wattpad layout, logo, and design? (I know it's not really that knew, but it's new to me so answer anyways).
I read a comment in another story which I thought was pretty accurate. It said something about how it looked like milk spilled all over the page. (In all honesty, the update is ok, but I liked the old logo better. The new one looks like a paintbrush stroke.)

Gender? (It's ok if you don't want to share, but we accept all here on Wattpad.)
I'm a female, but none of you know my age cause NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON guessed it out of all the 70 or so comments I got. 

Do you play a sport?
Yes. Soccer is amazing.

Share a fun fact about yourself that you haven't shared before. 
I'm an extremely confident person. I like to think of it like this.
It's easy to find flaws. What's hard is finding the confidence to accept those flaws and turn them into the best parts of yourself. 
I also have a huge imagination.

What do you day dream about?
Flying. I've had the idea of people with dragon wings for years, and I'm so thrilled to be able to have finally put that idea into words in a story that so many people love. If only people could fly in real life as well. 

Fatal flaw?
Either hubris or mentality. Mentality because I get frustrated super easily, and hubris because I am super proud and confident of everything I do. I like being noticed for what I do, maybe a little too much.

Favorite dessert?
Cremebrulee. Haven't tried it? You should. 

Who from the Heroes of Olympus Series do you see as Maui from the Disney movie Moana? (To help answer this question if you're confused, see the string of comments in chapter 9. It's hard to miss. There's like, 50 replies.)
I see Jason as Maui, and Percy as Moana.

What's the first thing you think of after you read this sentence?
Zip lining.

Ok, so, thanks for answering if you did answer. If you didn't, please comment your answers. It'll make me happyyyy. See you all in a bit!

 See you all in a bit!

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