Chapter 18 - The Battle Against Jerk Relative #1000000000000000000000000

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Sooooooo...I'm here with another update. Yay! I've been trying to update daily, but I end up just updating at like nine at night. It's been busy during the past few days. Also, yesterday I went to see that new movie Ocean's 8. Totally recommend it. Great plot. Ok then. On with the story!

Wait! Before we begin, I changed the cover. I made it myself on an online program. So, check it out! Now lets go.

Jake's POV

I just challenged that son of Chaos to a duel. I know what everybody's thinking. I am so gonna win. He probably fights with a club like that nitwit half brother of mine. What was his name? Teeson? Whatever. Whatever he fights with, I'll beat him. I am the hero of camp after all. I'm even Poseidon's favorite child, even though he's never around. My amazingness must be too great for him to handle. Back to the duel. Once I beat this dude, I'll have all the attention back on me. So I need to beat him in a flashy way that everyone's expecting.

I sauntered down to the Hephaestus cabin. Leo Valdez, the elfish dude, was arguing with another Hephaestus kid, probably the cabin counselor. Leo was the only one who didn't become a cabin counselor after the so called war against Gaea. According to my sources, and I have a lot of those, he wanted to spend more time building than leading a cabin. That was ok with me. One less annoying camper to deal with.

"Come on dude, why do you trust him?" Leo complained. He dusted dirt off his jeans. "He's sneaky and totally..." he stopped when he saw me. Good. He had come to his senses to show respect towards me. Aaron, the counselor, told Leo to leave so he could talk to me. Leo glared at Aaron, then me, and stalked out of the cabin.

"Do you have what I asked for?" Aaron nodded and handed me a full set of armor with a belt for throwing knives. He showed me how everything worked before I left for the duel. This so called son of Chaos was going down.

I shrugged on the armor and pulled out my sword. It was made of Celestial Bronze, a metal that was very special and rare. Perfect for me. Everything was a perfect fit. At 5 pm, I walked into the arena to meet my opponent.

Adria's POV

I smirked as I pocketed the money. Percy just shot me a glare before pulling up his hood and walking towards the arena. That was just the type relationship we had. Making bets, pulling pranks, making 100 drachmas for an unfair bet. That was just how life worked.

By the time we arrived at the arena, Jake and a large crowd had already formed. I went to take a seat with the other warriors in the front row, rubbing my hands together anxiously. Not with worry for Percy, but desire to see Jake get pummeled.

While I waited for the battle to start, I overheard an Apollo kid talking to his friend. I could tell he was a son of Apollo because he had curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Jake is totally gonna win," he told another kid. "Anyone who bets against him is a fool."

I don't think so little dude. I tapped him on the shoulder. "I bet 50 drachmas that Commander Epsilon will win."

The kid looked smug. "Deal." We shook hands and I turned back around to watch the duel play out. I would be rich by the end of the day. Percy is the greatest fighter in the galaxy. Even better than me. The kid might as well give me the money now.

"Meanwhile, Jake was telling off Percy as my half brother walked into the arena. "You're late," Jake informed Percy.

Percy looked down at his watch, then showed the face to Jake. "I don't think so, Trident." Jake turned purple with rage when Percy addressed him by his last name, like how a teacher would when she's scolding a student.

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