Chapter 27 - We Have A Chicken Dance Dance Off

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I'm back! Another busy three days have gone by, but don't worry, as you can tell I came back.  :)  More family is visiting, and I've gotten just as busy as I was a few weeks ago when I couldn't update for several days. But hopefully it's ok. Cause now I'm here to write another chapter. 

Jake's POV

After being amazing in sword fighting class, I walked off to get ready for the duel against Epsilon. Again. Others call him Commander Epsilon, but he's clearly weaker than I am. He doesn't deserve the title of commander. I should have that title. He also shouldn't be teaching that sword fighting class. It's clear that I'm better at sword fighting than him. He was ordering us around and adjustign my already perfect form. I mean, who does he think he is? The prince of the universe? Pfft.

Anyways, I walked to the Poseidon cabin to retrieve my armor that the Hepheastus cabin made me. I had had a few days to break into it, and now I knew all of the secret weapons inside of it. Press this button and rocket launchers emerge from the shoulders. Squeeze your thumb and a shield pops out of the wrist. (Not that I actually needed one.) Shake your butt and metal wings potrude from the back.

I sauntered out of the Poseidon cabin and to the arena. The Chaos dude wanted to get his butt kicked? Then butt kicking I shall give him. He walked in through the other side of the arena. Once again, a crowd had gathered to watch us spar. They must have been here to cheer me on and boo for the so called, "Commander Epsilon." 

Epsilon was wearing nothing but his traditional black and green cloak. He had no armor and no weapon. Not even a shield! "Are you surrendering already?" I jeered, gesturing to his lack of defense. 

He shrugged. "The less things I have to carry the better. It makes it easier to move. Whereas you look like a walking rust bucket." He pointed to my armor.

"I'll have you know that this was custom made by the Hepheastus Cabin, who I forced..." He raised in eyebrow. Styx! He almost found out. "Sorry. I asked the Hepheastus Cabin to make it for me," I quickly corrected myself. Thankfully, he seemed to buy it.

He crossed his arms and shifted his weight. "So, are you gonna fight me or not? If you are, do it soon because I have to prepare for a meeting I have tonight."

A meeting, he said. I wondered if it was important. Maybe information that may be useful to me. I should follow him. Maybe he had information that he was keeping from us about the war. But I didn't have time to think about it. Time was wasting, and I was urging to pummel this guy. I watched as he uncrossed his arms and made a move for the exit.

"Ok!" he called over his shoulder. "I guess you're too chicken to fight me after all." Too chicken? Too CHICKEN! Oh, he was so going to pay. He should've have been the one afraid of me. And he was calling me chicken. This guy was soon going to wish he had never been born. I charged.

He had his back turned, so I interrpreted that he didn't know I was coming. I ran swiftly, smoothly, without making a sound...Smack! I ran facefirst into something hard. It had gone straight through my helmet and hit me right between the eyebrows. No way! The Hepheastus kids had said this armor was indestructable.

I got to my feet and shook myself, only to see it was his iron fist that I had run into. Wait. His fist wasn't iron. It was just his bare fist. He wiggled his fingers and sighed. "Seriously?" he asked me in a bored tone. "I didn't know you were dumb enough to hit a wall. Or my fist!" 

I glared at him and unsheathed my sword from my belt. He casually knocked it out of my hand like it wasn't made of deadly celestial bronze. The little cheater. He probably used mind control or something. There was no way he could've knocked such an amazing sword out of my hands. "You cheater!" I yelled at him. "No powers!" He looked at me quizically. Of course I couldn't see his face, but he tilted his head in confusion.

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