Chapter 29 - I Have an Awkward Date with the God of the Sea

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Oh my gosh guys. I'm so sorry. I've been updating a lot later than I've planned. Three days! I'm doing my best to keep up with the updating. I don't want to be that one person who never updates. So after three, nearly four days, here's a new chapter.

Percy's POV

The rest of the day following the duel went as usual. I attempted to train a bunch of campers who could barely do 50 push ups in sword fighting class. i mean seriously, five sets of 50 push ups was only the warm up. The Apollo Cabin nearly died when I had the campers run the ten miles. 

The Ares Campers did better. But only by a little bit. With their dad being the god of war and all, strength and endurance came naturally to them. However, that didn't mean that the intense hours of sword fighting didn't leave them sprawled across the ground sweating and asking why we weren't using spears. When they did ask about spears, I hauled them up and sent them to Adria's spear fighting class, where they had to repeat the warm up and the drills. 

But the campers weren't the only exhausted ones at dinner that night. Without the help of Annabeth, who was supposed to be helping me lead the sword fighting class, the campers had left me severely annoyed and exhausted from babysitting them all day. Who knew the Nike cabin would attempt to start a war when their own siblings beat them in a practice duel. It was clear that the offspring of the victory goddess hated losing.

And to top it all off, I had to meet with Poseidon tonight and explain what happened to me. And it was bound to be difficult because I was Percy and I couldn't risk him finding out my secret identity.

I sat down at the Chaos table in the dining pavilion, put my head in my hands, and groaned. I saw Leo look over from the Hephaestus table. He looked like he was about to come over and say something, but apparently decided against it and turned back to his cabin mates. So far he hadn't found out anything suspicious about Jake or the camp, other than the fact that he had a strange silver box and an over inflated ego. 

Speaking of Jake, I wondered how Annabeth was coming along with her studies on the silver device. She had spent all day in her room, investigating every piece of it. She hadn't come out of her room once, not even for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Meanwhile I was stuck at the table with Adria and the rest of the warriors, minus Theseus, Jason, and Atalanta. 

Adria's pockets were bulging. I could see shiny bronze metal sticking out of them. Drachmas. I wondered how many campers had lost their college savings to Adria. 

Silena was talking to Beckendorf, like usual. This time Silena was planning their anniversary. Something about going ice skating on planet 889,089,474 after the war. 

Zoe was discussing hunting tactics with Bianca, while Luke was messing with Serilda. He had folded in his real wings and replaced them with replicas tied to his shoulders made by the 3D printer in our cabin. He pulled off his "right wing" and started screaming. 

"Ahh! Eta! I just lost a wing!" He started clutching his shoulder blade, pretending that his real wing had fallen off rather than a fake one. Demigods were now giving us very strange looks. Well, stranger than normal.

Serilda rolled her eyes. "Seriously Alpha. How dumb do you think I am? If you want someone to fall for your stupid pranks, do it to my dad." 

"Wow. Thanks," I said sarcastically. Any other night I would've made some smart comment that roasted my daughter, but tonight I just wasn't feeling it. I was super stressed out, with Annabeth doing her daughter of Athena thing and me having to teach several cabins of weak demigods how to sword fight.

I received confused looks from everyone at the Chaos table, but I shrugged it off. I pushed away my plate of steak and my cup of blue coke, and excused myself from the table. I needed to plan what I was going to say tonight.

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