Chapter 31 - Mom Beats Everyone at Monopoly

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Hello again! Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was at the doctor's office making sure that my foot wasn't broken. Also, I took a break from my phone for a day. Two days! And I came back and I had 124 notifications from you guys commenting, voting, and following me. Thank you so much!!!

Serilda's POV

It was Friday. Finally. I didn't have to teach any archery lessons today because Chiron had scheduled another game of Capture the Flag. It was weird to think that I was great at archery, considering that my mom and dad had absolutely no skills in it at all.

The campers had the whole day to plan, while us warriors had a whole day to relax. We had decided earlier not to make a plan like last time, because it would just be unfair to the campers. Also because dad didn't want to sit through another period of strategising with mom. It was, as he put it, as boring as watching kelp sway in a current. Although mom got a little mad at dad, at least we had the day to relax.

Aaannnd, I spoke to soon. "Bring the spears over here. Now!" Jake's voice wafted in from my window. "No! Not those spears! The ones with leather grips!" I rolled out of bed and fell onto the floor, right on top of Drayce.

Serilda! Drayce whined. He had his wings covering his dark blue ears, which were flattened against his head in attempt to keep the noise out.

"Sorry," I moaned, and clambered off Drayce's back. He shook himself and readjusted his position of trying to block out the noise.

Well there went my day of relaxation. Unless...

I yanked up the window and flew outside where Jake was standing in front of the Chaos Cabin, screaming his lungs off. I spread my wings to their full extent, and yelled, "SHUT UP!"

Jake looked up from whatever he was doing. "What gives you the right to-" I cut him off.

"Shut up!" I set my wings on fire, then snapped my finger. Drayce leaped out the window and grew to the size of the Chaos Cabin. From the outside of course. Jake visibly paled. I would be scared too if a hooded warrior with wings and a dragon leaped out of a cabin and yelled at me to shut up. When Jake didn't say anything, I nodded. "Thank you," I said curtly. Then I leaped back through the window and into my room.

It was a big step up from duck tape, I thought. I wondered if I could get the other warriors to stop talking more often if I used that method.

From across the hall I could hear laughing. I walked into mom and dad's room to see dad rolling on the floor laughing. It was clear that he had been watching out the window. Mom was sitting on the bed, clearly amused.

"Great job Seril!" Dad managed to make out through his laughter. "I've been trying to get Jake to shut up, but he just won't do it. I wish I had thought of that!" He held up his hand for a high five, and I slapped it.

The three of us and our dragons walked downstairs to find the rest of the Chaos Warriors sitting around the glass table in the living room, playing a bored game. I tilted my head to read the side of the box. They were playing...Monopoly?

"Come on guys! That's the only game you ever play!" I whined. "Why do you still play it?"

Dad pulled up a chair. "Because it's awesome." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

I pulled up a chair next to them. "Fine. I'll play."

Aunt Adria looked at me. "What do you mean, fine? No one invited you to play," she teased.

"Ha ha, very funny." I sat down next to mom and dad. The other warriors had just finished the game. Zoe was resetting the pieces. We split the players into three teams of three, seeing as there were nine of us.

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