Chapter 36 - I Flirt with the Titan Lord of Time

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Hehehe. Seven days. Oops. 
I don't have time to write a full 1,000 word chapter, so I'll keep this short but interesting. 

Leo's POV

You have got to be kidding me. Ten years ago I died. Then I came back to life. I found my perfect girlfriend and received partial immortality from the gods. (And just so you know, no, I never had the courage to ask her to marry me. But if I survive this, I will definitely make a point to.)

Then, ten years later, I get stabbed in the back and whisked off to another planet where the creator saved my life but left me with several almost fatal injuries. A week of recovery and I get captured by the general of Lord Kronor's. (Greek names are funky. Don't know if I pronounced that right. Whatever. I don't care.)

After Hyperion grabbed me (cue exasperated eye roll) we disappeared in a flash of golden light and reappeared in a stone hallway. Torches lined the walls, and after walking for a couple minutes, the titan and I arrived in a large, stone...throne room?

I tried to stop to look around, check if there was any machinery in the wall, but Hyperion poked me in the back with his fire sword. 

I turned around. "Dude. I'm the son of Hephaestus. Did you really think that fire sword was gonna make me do your bidding?"

Hyperion looked taken aback. I did my signature smirk and almost informed him that he should address me as Leo Valdez, Supreme Commander of the Argo II, or Hot Stuff, when he pulled out another sword. This one crackled with energy.

I raised my hand in surrender. "Jeez man. How many different swords do you have?" 

He just poked me in the back and growled, "Keep moving."

Electricity arched up my spine. Self note. Don't anger the sun dude with the lightning sword.

At the front of the throne  room were two ice giants guarding a large throne made out of black spikes of metal. On the throne lounged a girl around age 14. She had long, brown hair with yellow tips, a face tightened into a sadistic but beautiful grin, and gorgeous gold eyes.

Looks like my day was looking up. 

I wasn't being serious or anything. Just trying to lighten the mood. I pointed my fingers at her and clicked my tongue. "Wasup girl?"

Clearly, the girl did not think that was funny. She waved her hand and the ice giants pointed their spears at me. I raised my hands for the second time. "Sorry, sorry. Geez. What is she, an empress or something?"

The girl looked at me with those piercing gold eyes. They seemed to be calculating my every move. Even though she looked to be several years younger than me, I had no doubt that she could beat me in a one on one fight.

"This girl happens to be the soon to be ruler of the universe," the girl boomed. But what came out wasn't the high pitched, feminine voice that I expected. It was the deep, threatening voice of...

"Kronos?!" I asked in disbelief. The Titan of Time raised in eyebrow.

I took in her, wait his, silver armor, long eyelashes, and fur boots.

"But, but you're a..."

"Girl. I know. Elena was the only one willing to let me use her as a host." Kronos answered my question in a bored tone, as if he'd had to answer the same question several other times. He probably had.

I looked him up and down. "Not to be rude or anything, but my friend Percy described you as a 17 year old boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Um...either Percy was crazy or you changed bodies." 

Kronos growled. "Percy Jackson was a fool. A dead fool."

I clenched my fists. If only he knew.

"I am a titan," Kronos continued. "I can take any shape, any form, girl or boy. Once I burn away this body, I will be able to become anything in everything. I'll be as tall as Typhon, or as small as an ant. I'll be as muscular as a giant or..."

"As pretty as a girl," I cracked. Unfortunately for me, he heard.

Kronos rose off the chair and pulled out a silver scythe. The edges gleamed, ready to kill me. 

"Oh, I would so kill you right now if you weren't bait for this, Commander Epsilon," Kronos sneered. "A new demigod. I wonder who his parents are. Where did he come from? How easy will he be to defeat?" Kronos cackled.

Suddenly, I had a thought. Kronos didn't know that Epsilon was Percy, and Percy came from another planet. He thought Percy was just another demigod in the way. That was where he was wrong.

This could give us an advantage. The element of surprise. Kronos didn't know how well Percy fought, or that he had eight other people with dragons and wings at his side.

But I had to contact Percy and the camp soon. If Kronos' plan worked and they came to rescue me, we would lose the element of surprise. Although I would have to stay here with the enemy, starved and probably tortured, it wouldn't matter. Because the others would be able to defeat Kronos and his army.

Besides. Like everywhere else including here, I would do what I did best to survive.

Kronos better watch out. He/She's gonna get a face full of McShizzle.

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