Chapter 13 - Percy Goes Supernova

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It's summer and I feel as busy as I did during school. I still can barely squeeze in time to write. UGH. At least there's a cruise coming up   :)    Ok, so now that life on Planet Chaos has been introduced, lets start with some real action.

500 Chaos Years Later

Annabeth's POV

It had been 5,500 Chaos years since Percy and I left Earth, and life is going great. I love my daughter and Percy, and I love hanging out with my now undead friends. The Wings of Chaos Warriors had become great friends with the Secondary Warriors. Now, we were all one big group. That's why everybody was in a good mood today. Yesterday Chaos had made the Secondary Warriors Wings of Chaos Warriors, so they could work with Bianca, Luke, Percy, Serilda, and I.

We had all gone out to celebrate the good news. And by celebrate, we went to the arena to tear the dummies apart. Training was a big thing on Planet Chaos. If you excuse the first 20 years of training with Chaos, we loved to train. One of the reasons why was because of our powers. After we had mastered our powers after 20 years of brutal work, training became a lot more fun. We could teleport, fly, and blow things up. Percy's personal favorite power was to blow things up.

Anyways, the 12 of us were sparring when we were summoned by Chaos. Again. What more good news was he going to reveal to us this time? But my hopes deflated when we arrived in the throne room with our dragons in tow to find Chaos nervously fiddling with his fingers and looking upset. In all my years on Planet Chaos, I had never seen him act like this. Percy saw Chaos' mood and climbed off of Luke's back where he had previously been giving Luke a noogie.

"Moron's," Adria muttered. I smiled and silently agreed with her.

Percy was the first to step up and ask what the problem was. Chaos twiddled his fingers and didn't answer. Order looked annoyed and leaned over to whisper something in her husband's ear. Chaos nodded and looked down at us, specifically Percy.  

"You, er, um..." Percy raised an eyebrow. "You have to go to Earth." Chaos said that last part really silently, but we could all hear it. Increased senses were one of the perks of being an assassin.

Percy froze and said in a threatening and low voice, "Excuse me?" Chaos flinched.

"I said, kinda sorta have to go to Earth." Percy kept his cool. I was surprised he had lasted this long. With the sort of memories we had left behind on Earth, I was surprised that anything or anyone in this room was still standing.

"And where on Earth will we be going?" Percy asked in the same low and threatening voice. Chaos said the three words that Percy and I never wanted to hear again.

"Camp Half-Blood." Percy lost it. 

"YOU SAID WE WOULD NEVER HAVE TO GO BACK THERE!" He screamed. "YOU TOLD US WE COULD STAY ON PLANET CHAOS AND LEAVE THOSE MEMORIES BEHIND!" Tears were now streaming down his face. All the other warriors, except for me, were hiding under the tables. Like that was going to help if Percy lost control. Seeing my husband like this way making me upset as well. If you hurt Percy, you hurt me. 

I went up to him and layed a hand on his shoulder. "Percy..." he shrugged me off. 

"CHAOS YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED!" He kept repeating those words over and over again until he just sat down on the floor and started sobbing. I saw that his eyes were glowing a brighter green than normal. I realized too late what was going to happen.

"Everybody down!" I screamed. All of the assassins, including Chaos and Order, flattened themselves against the floor. The 12 dragons flung their wings over us to protect us. Then Percy exploded.

Percy's POV

Look. I didn't want to lose control but I had no control over what was happening. They call it losing control for a reason. Chaos had told Annabeth and I that we wouldn't have to go back. He had promised, several days into our arrival on Planet Chaos. He had promised. And now that promise was broken.

I sank to my knees, memories of that place flowing through my head. Jake. My betrayal. My friends avoiding me. I couldn't take it anymore. Every emotion that I had stored up inside of me for 5,500 years came bursting. To put it in short terms, I went supernova. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I vaguely saw Neptune and the other dragons fling their wings over my friends. Good. Dragon wings were virtually indestructible. Nothing except metal from the void could pierce their wings. And metal from the void didn't exist anymore as far as I knew.

The void is the place where immortals go when they die. Except, it's not like the Underworld where you're still in spirit form. You just, turn to nothing. The only thing you can do is float around for eternity, watching over the other planets. It seemed like a pretty horrible place to me. 

I was relieved that my friends and family had their dragons and their own dragon wings to protect them from the blast. They would be perfectly unharmed. However, I couldn't say the same for Chaos' castle. My last thought before I blacked out was, Maybe Annabeth can redesign the place once I destroy it. Ugh. Stupid ADHD.

I woke up in bed with my sea green and black wings splayed out over the sides of the bed. Before I could fully process my surroundings, I was tackled by my wife, my daughter, and one happy Neptune. Annabeth was crying into my shoulder while Serilda was just sitting on the edge of my bed, rocking back and forth in shock. I couldn't blame her. I would be shocked too if my dad had exploded and blown a hole in the palace.

Annabeth sat up from crying into my shoulder. "Don't ever do that again." Then all the events from earlier came flooding back into my head. Chaos. He was making me go to Earth. He was making me go back to Camp Half-Blood. There was no way I was going.

Annabeth shook me. "Percy. Percy!" She was one of the only ones who had permission to call me Percy. To most people, I was known as Epsilon, one of the most feared people in the universe. "I know what you're thinking," she said. "Chaos made it an order to go to Earth, and he isn't going to take no for an answer." I groaned. I couldn't disobey a direct order from Chaos. 

"Why is he sending us anyway?" I complained, my voice hoarse from my earlier episode. 

"He says Gaea, Nyx, and..." I raised an eyebrow. "Tartarus are rising." she completed. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Tartarus. The one primordial that I had come face to face with that still made me have nightmares. Granted, now I was a warrior and had more power, probably enough to face and defeat him, but memories of the pit still scarred Annabeth and I.

Serilda waved her hand in Annabeth and I's faces. "Hello? Mom? Dad? Can you stop thinking about what ever you're thinking and help me pack?" I came out of my shock and nodded, not saying a word. 

I was going back to Earth. I was going to Camp Half-Blood. I was going to see the gods and the traitorous campers. I was going to fight in a war against Tartarus himself. I could feel another star about to go supernova. 

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