Chapter 9 - Great. Another Blackjack.

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Ok guys. I am so ready to write this chapter. It feels like I've been waiting forever to get to this part. It's dragon time! (If you can't tell I am obsessed with mythological creatures and mythology) This chapter will probably be longer than normal, just because I have so much to say. ;) Also, today was the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. Eight weeks of relaxation, starting now! WOOOOHOO! Also, I drew that dragon up above. You'll see who it is once you read the chapter. Well, on with the story!

Percy's POV

I woke up early the next morning to find Annabeth curled against my chest, dried tears on her cheeks left over from the previous night. I stroked her blonde hair. No matter how far away from Earth we got, even if was billions of light years away, demigods would still have dreams. I thought over the events of last night. Annabeth had explained that she had seen me being tortured. What was that all about? As I was thinking, I looked over at the clock. It was nearly 7 am. Chaos said to meet him bright and early in the palace court this morning, but I didn't know the exact time. I guessed I could spare a few more hours of sleep. Being the lazy person I was, I curled up next to Annabeth and fell back asleep.

I woke back up to Annabeth screaming in my ear. "Percy! Wake up! We're gonna be late!" I bolted upright in bed.

"What's going on?! Is there an attack?!" I reached for Riptide, which was sitting in pen form on my nightstand. Annabeth smacked me.

"Get up! Chaos is making us official Wings of Chaos this morning, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to be late. Now get up!" She smacked me again.

I groaned and rolled over, rubbing my stinging cheek. I loved Annabeth, but she could be awfully violent sometimes. I dragged myself over to my closet, where I threw on a pair of jeans and a blue shirt. I was on my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth, still yawning and rubbing my eyes, when Annabeth pulled my arm and yanked me out of our bedroom. She pulled me down the hall and to the throne room, where Luke, Bianca, Order, and Chaos were waiting. Annabeth went to stand next to Luke, while I smiled sheepishly at the lord of the universe. I really had to work on my respect for powerful beings.

Chaos clapped his hands together. "Alright, now that we are all here..." He looked pointedly at me. I shrugged. Like Nico had said, with great power comes great need to take a nap. "We will begin the process of becoming a Wing of Chaos." I glanced at Bianca and Luke. Hopefully, over the night, they had been able to process what was going on. I couldn't imagine what it must be like for them, coming back to life and joining a mysterious primordial with your old friends. Heck, I still couldn't even believe I was on another planet!

Chaos clapped his hands and a long black table appeared in front of us. I heard several pops as a line of colorful eggs ranging from black to hot pink appeared in front of us. Each egg was the size of a bowling ball, and each one was pulsing with power. My eyes were drawn to a solid black egg that had sea green veins going through it.

Chaos clapped again and another black table appeared, this time full of weapons. I saw daggers, knives, bows, and even axes that the vikings used long before modern times.

One more clap and a third and final table appeared in our mist. This time it had robes and a single crown displayed on it. I couldn't help but notice that each robe had two long slits in the back of it.

"Now, the process to becoming a Wing of Chaos Assassin is very simple," Chaos explained. "You already pledged your loyalty to me, so we only have four more steps to go." I rolled my eyes. Only four. Hey, I was an ADHD demigod with dyslexia. Four steps seemed like ten thousand when you got distracted as easily as I did. I watched as an alien like bird flew by the window of the castle court. I snapped back into focus when Annabeth waved her hand in front of me. Everyone in the room was staring at me. I had ADHD. Point proven.

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