Chapter 11 - Percy Blows Up a Lot of Stuff

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Percy's POV

What the heck. The six people in the Secondary Warriors just pulled down there hoods and I almost fainted. Sitting in front of me were three people who were supposed to be dead. Three people I had mourned since the war against Kronos. 

The people were as the following. Silena Beauregard. Charles Beckendorf. Zoe Nightshade. 

Then there were three others who I was shocked to see. After all, they were the original heroes. Jason (The original). Theseus. Atalanta. Don't ask me how I knew there names, let alone what they looked like. It was just a gut feeling. 

I turned to see Annabeth pretty much in tears. She ran forward to hug Silena, Charles, and Zoe. Then, she realized that the three others were the original ancient Greek heroes. She nervously nodded her head to them and went back to stand by me. 

I looked at Chaos, who was smirking slightly. "You knew!" I accused him.

He shrugged. "I'm the creator of the universe. I know all." I glared at him, but he just smiled innocently back at me. All this time, the people who had died were up here, sitting in space. I felt a ton of emotions. Relief, sadness, happiness, and anger at Chaos for keeping such a huge secret from me. 

Chaos eyed me nervously. "Uh, Percy?" I was shaking. Annabeth was staring at me. 

Suddenly, a huge BOOM! shook the outdoor dining area. Every single person in the room looked up to find something that looked like a firework hovering above us. Chaos looked at me, slightly annoyed but amused at the same time. 

 "Great Percy, you blew up a planet." It took a bit for my mind to register his words. "You're lucky it was an uninhabited one," he continued, like this was an everyday occurrence. Then again, he was the creator of the universe. It probably was.  

I looked at Chaos. "I can blow up planets?" 

Chaos nodded. "As a son of the creator of the universe, you can blow up anything." During this conversation about explosives, the whole crowd had stopped talking to see my reaction. I paused, thinking over what he had just said. 

"So that means..." I said slowly. "That I can prank my my undead friends for making me think they were dead! Oh, and also my new sister, just for the sake of it." Adria and the others paled.

"In theory," Chaos responded. "But Adria will probably have your head." 

But I barely heard him say this before I pointed my finger at Adria's dinner plate, using my new Chaos powers to cause it to explode in a burst of pink, just like how I did to Annabeth earlier that night. Adria glared at me. "Oh, it is so on." She pointed at my plate and it exploded into blue powder. By this time everyone had froze, watching the two offspring of the most powerful deity in the universe have a food fight.

I laughed. "Jokes on you, I like the color blue!" Then I proceeded to blow up every plate of warrior in a tiny explosion of pink. The crowd came out of their shock and roared in laughter. By that time I was on a role. It was time to have a little fun. 

I tossed my crown up in the air and, "Pop!" it disappeared. I looked at Chaos and faked innocence. "Daddy, my crown is gone." I batted my eyes. Annabeth was laughing so hard there were tears streaming down her face. 

Chaos growled. "Oh no, you didn't." From then on, the formal event turned into an all out food fight. We left the dining area covered in colorful powder and blobs of food. I was glad knowing that Planet Chaos now knew their prince wasn't all strict and stern. He was a guy that loved food fights. 

By the end of the night, both Chaos and Order were smiling. We entered the palace, and they ordered us to our rooms. It had been a long night. I gestured for Adria, Beckendorf, Silena, and Zoe along with Luke and Bianca to follow me into the room I shared with Annabeth. Inside I explained what had happened that caused me to end up on Chaos with them. 

"And that," I concluded. "Is how I ended up here, blowing up planets." When I finished, all seven of the people sitting in front of me looked ready to blow up a planet themselves. They actually did. Another boom was heard, and we looked out the window to see another firework. I cracked a smile. Soon after, Chaos rushed in.

"Percy, why did you blow up a star?" Oh. It was a star. Close enough. I held up my hands, symbolizing I was innocent. 

"I didn't this time. It was one of them!" I gestured to Luke, Bianca, Annabeth, Adria, Beckendorf, Silena, and Zoe. Annabeth raised her hand sheepishly. 

"I'm pretty sure that was me." 

Chaos sighed and looked at Annabeth. "What are we gonna do with you and Percy? Both of you blew up a planet and a star in one day. That's a new universal record." Wait. He kept a record of people who blew things up? Oh, I was so going to be on the top of that list. 

"That's my girl!" I kissed Annabeth on the cheek. 

Silena squealed. Adria yelled, "Get a room!" Gods, she reminded me so much of Thalia. 

"Anyways," Chaos continued. "You all have a good nights sleep. Tomorrow you'll begin your training with me." Adria started to protest. I knew she had probably done training already. Chaos looked at Adria. "You're training as a team this time." Adria glared at the floor. 

It was going to be a long next couple of years. 

So. Introduction finished! Next chapter we get into their training, and learn more about their dragons. See you in the next chapter!

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