Chapter 14 - The Gods Freak Out

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Annabeth's POV

About 30 minutes after Percy's episode, the 12 of us and our dragons were boarding Chaos' Star Rider, the fancy term Chaos uses for a super fast space ship. Percy had calmed down, but I could tell he was still upset. His green eyes had dulled, and Neptune was moping. Since Percy had a connection with Neptune, you knew Percy was upset when Neptune was upset. 

We could've just taken a portal and appeared in the Olympian throne room in seconds, but Chaos wanted to give Percy more time to process the information. I could't blame him for adding that extra time. If we had sent Percy in when he was still angry, the throne room would probably be a smoking crater and I would have to redesign it.

On the Star Rider, there was a large room for all 12 dragons in the back. The ship was designed to expand to the needs of the passengers, and if the passengers were each 60 feet long with a 50 foot wingspan, a room would open up to serve those passengers. 

Percy and I had our own private room. Currently, Percy was laying on my lap, his face emotionless. I rubbed my fingers in the small of his back to comfort him. 

Percy sighed. "I can't believe he's making us go back. He said we wouldn't have to go back."

"But Percy," I said. "We're Wings of Chaos Warriors. Our mission is to bring peace to the universe. Earth is in need of help, so Chaos needs us to provide that help." 

Percy frowned even deeper. I didn't know it was possible for his mouth to go that low. "But he said." 

"I know," I murmured in his ear. "But Earth needs saving. Trust me, I don't want to go back anymore than you. Besides, it's been ten Earth years. I bet most of the demigods we knew when we were there have moved on by now." He nodded and I kissed him on the cheek. Serilda chose that moment to barge in on us.

"Mom, dad..." She froze when she saw the position we were in. Percy was lying on my lap and I was stroking his back. Serilda covered her eyes. "Ew! Get a room!" 

Percy looked up. "We're in a room." 

Serilda rolled her eyes. "You may not realize it, but I'm more than five centuries younger than you. So, I would appreciate it if you could keep all that..." She gestured to Percy and I. "Away from me." 

I laughed. "Serilda, we're your parents. We live in the same house. It's pretty much impossible to avoid your own parents." 

Serilda just frowned. "Still, you can at least try." Percy cracked a smile at his daughter for the first time since this morning. "Anyway," our daughter continued. "Chaos wanted me to tell you that we'll be arriving in ten minutes." Percy nodded. "Now, I'm going to go hang out with Aunt Adria." She walked out the door, her grey, green, and black cloak swishing behind her as she turned. 

As she walked away, Percy stood up. "Well, we should probably start preparing. There's no use moping around when we're about to see the Olympians for the first time in over 5,000 years." 

I pushed myself up off the couch and slung on my black and grey cloak. Each assassin cloak had a hood that hid our identities. Obviously, Percy and I were not ready to be recognized at camp. As Percy shrugged his cloak on, he started to get a mischievous smile on his face. Suddenly, I got butterflies in my stomach. What was Percy planning?

"You know Annabeth," he told me. "We might as well have some fun with the gods and campers while we have the chance." I sighed exasperatedly. Typical Percy. Him and Luke were always the one for pranks. Percy gathered all the assassins in the common room of the Star Rider and explained his plan.

Almost immediately after Percy finished explaining, the ship came to a stop, hovering above Mt Olympus. Percy opened a portal into the Olympian throne room, where the 12 gods and the campers were waiting. 

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