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(READ:it is 10/23/13 and I'm like really updating each chapter so if you don't see this on the next chapter it hasn't been updated j wrote this book in the 6th grade......I'm a freshman in high school so I'm trying to fix it! if you want you can read my other book Love Or Payne (Niam) while this updates!)

Zayns pov:

It was a relief. For the first time in months we had a month to ourselves. Me and the boys could just relax, hang out. We have just gotten back from our European tour, so we had a month to prepare for the American tour.

We all sat in the chilled room waiting for the interviewer. I was slouched over a bit for my chair had no support for my back, but i didn't mind. The room was pure white with different cameras and microphones in various place. There was a red chair in front of us where an interview failed to be.

I looked at the group. Liam sat at the end, in a purple V-neck, and was going on about how we had a schedule. The interviewer was, now, ten minutes late...but it's a live TV show so I'm sure there just setting everything up...but Liam wouldn't shut up. That's just Daddy Directioner being himself. Liam had a tendency to over think things.

Harry kept bugging Louis about getting a tattoo.

"c'mon" Harry teased "just get one right on the side of your bum of a heart with my name in it"

Harry wore a black blazer, with black pants...nothing special. Louis reminded me of a piece of paper because he wore a white shirt with blue stripes and red suspenders.

Louis sat there, ignoring Harry and rolled his eyes with a smirk.

Then my eyes fell on Niall. He had on a gray hoodie, and gray pants that hugged his legs. But the odd thing was that he just sat there and gazed at the floor. I knew something wasn't right, every time he was nervous about something...he would just be motionless. I knew he was thinking about something so i didn't bother him.

I always found the lad rather cute when he wore hoodies....I quickly shook my head as I realized I just thought that Niall was cute....i didn't mean it like sexually, or romantically cute I meant it like...a bunny....yeah.

Niall was cute like a bunny.

The door opened with a bang, which made harry jump. We all sat up, including Niall, and were all ready for the interview.

The girl had a pretty shirt on, it was peach and swished when she walked. She had blue skinny jeans, peach heels as well. Her hair was blond and she had a big grin on her face.

"Hi, my name is Jennifer Dias, Jenny for short. I will be your interviewer for the show today".

We were the first ones to be on a new show MTV has made called "the scoop".

I hated the name, like how original was that? I adjusted my shirt and shot my group a smile.

Niall would usually give a playful kissy face, but not this time.

The man behind the camera began to count down.


"Hello" Jennifer said to the camera. "Today we are proud to say that we have one direction as our first interview"

The boys and i smiled at the camera. With the side of my eye i looked at Niall who looked as normal than ever. He was acting...and he was a pretty good actor because he looked like the normal Niall again.

"So...boys tell us, how does it feel to take a break?"

Harry began. "Oh it's great; the band gets to hang out at the house. We can get to relax a little." we all nodded and she began to interview each member.

She talked to Louis, who mentioned how Harry was talking to him about a tattoo which sparked the question of if he did get a tattoo, whose name it would be. I smiled because he said he would put Liam's name and squeezed his cheeks

Liam talked about how he is trying to find the right girl, and he went on of qualities of a good woman. The weird thing was is that he described a girl pretty close to Jennifer's description...which made her blush.

Harry talked about how the other day me, Liam, and Niall tickled him until he almost peed...then we were up to Niall.

"So Niall...what's going on with you?"

It took him a couple of seconds to speak and he finally said, "Well i actually have my eye on someone."

I and the boys all gave Niall cheesy smiles and Jennifer sat up with excitement. I wondered who she was...i hope he gets the girl. Niall is sweet, cute, and fun...any girl would be lucky to have him.

Jenifer said "ooohh Niall is looking for the one. So tell us...who is the lucky lady?"

Harry, joking, said "is it me boo bear?" but Niall ignored him. I tilted my head a bit as I watched the lad chew on his lip, he looked like a child that just got asked if he took a cookie from the jar, and was guilty. He sat there and looked at the ground for a couple of seconds until he spoke. "He isn't a lady"

My heart sunk a bit as i realized what he was saying. Everyone in the room gasped, even the camera guy. The boy's all looked at Niall, not like in a shocked way, but in a proud way. I was proud of him too, yes i was shocked but it took allot of bravery to come out on TV.

He started talking again.

"After months of thinking...i finally figured out that i" A smile grew on my face. Niall is so brave to say this on live television. I felt happy for him, even though I never knew this is who he was....i happy he was being true to himself for once...that he was standing up for himself.

Jennifer had a smile of disbelief on her lips, her eyebrows furrowed as she tilted her head, taking in what she had just heard.

As she smiled, music played from the background and Jennifer looked at the camera.

"You heard it here first...Niall comes out to the world, come back next time when we interview Adele"

The camera guy yelled "cut" and we were dismissed.

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Niall is gay. I would totally have not been shocked if it was Louis but Niall? Well...I'm sure the press will be buzzing and people will judge him either lightly or softly so the only thing to do is stand by matter what.

I know how rough the fans are, and that the whole Larry thing is taking over. I also know how sensitive Niall is...but that doesn't matter because I need to protect him.

I didn't know why I felt the urge to take care of Niall, so make him feel safe but I did....Niall being so brave only made me love him more.


So how do you think? Its 1:45 am and i am going to begin to write the next chapter. yes this chapter is kind of obvious but be live me...there is much more twist and turns.

(READ:it is 10/23/13 and I'm like really updating each chapter so if you don't see this on the next chapter it hasn't been updated j wrote this book in the 6th grade......I'm a freshman in high school so I'm trying to fix it! if you want you can read my other book Love Or Payne (Niam) while this updates!)

If I'm Louder.  [a Ziall romance.] (EDTINGING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now