The Letter

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(READ:it is 10/23/13 and I'm like really updating each chapter so if you don't see this on the next chapter it hasn't been updated j wrote this book in the 6th grade......I'm a freshman in high school so I'm trying to fix it! if you want you can read my other book Love Or Payne (Niam) while this updates!)


Nialls pov:

I walked into Liam's room after thinking over what I would say to him. I mean, Liam was pretty smart for his age ,and i wouldn't be surprised if he already knew what was going on with me....given that I don't even know what's going on.

I opened the door , and was welcomed by a cool breeze from the A/C. Liam sat on his bed with his lap top ,and was rapidly typing. I closed the door behind me and tried to speak but Liam cut me off.

He said "i know, you don't need to say anything"


I'm not surprised he knew, I swear the boy can probably figure our how to hack Into the queens home if he wanted to ; He's just that good.

I sat on his bed with a soft sigh. I was so lost, so lost that I'm not sure what I'm lost about. All I could manage to say was "What.......what do I do?"

Liam typed a bit faster, then stopped, moving the Lap Top away from him as he said, looking dead in my eyes. "Write out what your feeling, that's what I told Louis to do when he wanted to slap every fan who gave him a carrot, it gets your feelings out....and it helps me understand what your going through.

I nodded and said, "ok i'll write it down, but it's only going to be between us right?"

"yes...unless you want someone else to read it."

I thought about it and said, "ok , but only let someone read it if its relevant...can i use your desk?"

He nodded his head softly as he went back on his lap top.

I sat down and grabbed a pen from a little cup hold and a piece of paper.

" What.....what do I write'" I thought to myself.

"Do I write about the fact that now the whole world knows I' or do I write that I may have very strong cute hopelessly never going to happen feelings for Zayn.....Zayn......maybe I should just write about him....l

' Liam, the past few months have been very confusing...but i know now. i need to tell you something...its not easy for me to say but i know its the only way you can help so here it is.'

I always hated writing, it even four words in my hand started getting sore....or may be it was because I was writing franticly.

I like Zayn, and i dont want to tell him. He helps me so much , and I know that if he knows that i like him, things will get weird between us. I cant lose him. I just wish i could kiss him, just to know that he liked me. To know that even though there is so much hate in the world that I will always have him to comfort me...I just wished he was mine. that song, more then this, i wrote that line specifically for him..."if im louder, would you see me, would you lay down, in my arms and rescue me". Hey, you know what? this whole letter writing thing is really helpful...thanks for helping.'

i stood up and threw the piece of paper at him. Liam picked it up and began to read. I thought that his serious face would turn into a one of shock...but it didn't. I watched as Liams smile grew wider. He stood up and bolted out the door. I was confused. I slowly walked out of the room and walked down the stairs...I haven't eaten all day and for once..I was hungry.

Zayns pov:

I sat at the table and doodled things on a piece of paper. I drew stars, a lion, a microphone, and then something hit me.

I grabbed my pencil and very neatly wrote "Niall". Even his name looked cute. Everything about him was cute. I then wrote on the paper "things i like about Niall"

I began to write one thing after another.

"1. he looks cute in a hoodie...and tight jeans

2. how his eyes were blue, i could get lost in them he blushes we he takes off his shirt

4. how he bit his lip when he was thinking

5. his lovely blond hair"

I didn't continue, because I saw Liam storm down the stairs waving a piece of paper in the air.

He ran towards me and nearly fell trying to stop. He looked at me like he had just won the jack pot

"what happened?" I ask, while I gently covered my piece of paper.

He slammed the paper on the table and said "He likes you."

I took the paper with a confused look that slowly turned into a big grin. I couldn't believe what i was reading. Niall liked me , just the way I liked him.

"so," Liam said "what are you going to do about this?"

I was taken aback by his question. What should I do about this? The media is on fire from Nialls coming out, and I think if the world finds out another one of us likes the same sex, the world would literally explode.

"i don't know." I Said to myself " I don't want to tell him right away, I want to think of a perfect moment to tell him."

"well maybe you should sing to him, i mean he did say he wrote those lyrics about you." Liam said crossing his arms with a smile.

I sat back and thought about it for a minute.

"well how about this...we go to a mall and set up a surprise 1 hour concert, we can raise money, i can tell Niall how i feel, the fans get a free show, and we can see how they react to us"

Liam rose with excitement "that's great!"

That's terrifying.

Before I could speak, Harry walked into the kitchen and asked "what's great?"

Liam told him about my plan. I tried to stop him but Harry said "its ok Zayn, i already know you like does Louis. After you told Liam he told us so we could try to set you guys up on a date...but that was like four weeks ago, glad its happening"

I looked at Liam with a serious face, they both left the kitchen when I looked at them. Before they left, Harry said "I'll call and set up the concert"

i couldn't believe this was happening. i had a chance with Niall, it was such a good feeling to know that there is hope...and all i can hope for is that i don't make a fool out of myself.

(READ:it is 10/23/13 and I'm like really updating each chapter so if you don't see this on the next chapter it hasn't been updated j wrote this book in the 6th grade......I'm a freshman in high school so I'm trying to fix it! if you want you can read my other book Love Or Payne (Niam) while this updates!)

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