Way to go Naru-kun!

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Mikazuki's Pov

So apparently I didn't realize that my best friend could get past 5 Chunin and 7 Jōnin... But all that matters is that he passed!!!..... Even if he did steal a sacred scroll and attack a sensei, but whatever. Good think Iruka-Sensei was there!
Right now we're celebrating Naruto's accomplishment with ramen! Tomorrow is the day when we find out our team and who our new sensei will be.

"I really hope that Sasuke isn't on my team!"

"I hope you are." I smiled.

"Ya!!!! You, me, and Sakura!" I frowned. Even though he can't see.

"Naruto, you do realize that it's 2 boys and a girl right...?"

"Oh ya... Then I'd want you cause you're fun." I was shocked that he'd pick me over Sakura. Then again friendship conquers all. Man I sound stupid.

-Next Day-

I'm sooo nervous. I really wanna know my team. Kakashi won't tell me a thing, so in the back of my mind I think he's going to be a Sensei.

Iruka walks in and starts telling the teams.

"And team 7 will consist of... Naruto Uzumaki, Mikazuki Hatake-"


"And Sasuke Uchiha."

"NOOOO!" Naruto yelled, "he'll only slow me down!"

"Naruto. Sasuke is the best in class, you're the worst" everyone snickers.
I could tell the Sasuke fangirls were mad. They kept fuming. I'm hoping not to get threatened by them, but I'm only ever really with Naruto.
I don't mind having Sasuke on my team. We've only talked once, and I wanna see (through talking and sensing what he does) if I can prove that he's not totally emo and is truly kind!

There you go again Mika, you think only of the best of people.
HEY! I can't help it.
Why do I always have to talk to myself?

-2 hours later-

"Where is he?!" Naruto fumed.

Nobody answered him. I had a certain feeling about this....
We've been waiting for our sensei to come. So far all the teams have left and probably began training already.
I heard Naruto get up and I instantly knew that he had another mischievous idea.
I sensed that Naruto grabbed a chalk eraser and put it above the door.

"No jōnin is going to fall for that you, dope." Sasuke said.

As soon as Naruto sat down the door opened. In walked our Sensei. And of course. It's my dad...
The eraser fell.

"OTOSAN!?" I yelled actually very surprised. Sasuke and Naruto yelled what. Yea I never told Naruto about Kakashi.

"My first impression of you is that you're all idiots. Except you Mika."

We just stared as Naruro snickered.

"Meet me up at the roof in 10 min."

-10 min later-

"Ok so now that we're here tell me about yourselves."

"You go first."

"Ok, so my name is Kakashi Hatake and I like things, I don't necessarily dislike things, my hobbies I don't feel like telling you, and my dreams I'm not telling you that either."

"All we learned was his name." Naruto grumbled.

"Ok who's first?"

"IM NARUTO UZAMAKI! I like ramen! I dislike waiting the 3 min for it to cool off, I hate sasuke. My hobbies are eating ramen. AND MY DREAM IS TO BE THE FUTURE HOKAGE! BELIVE IT!"

"I'm Mikazuki Hatake. I like hanging out with my friends, and eating food. I dislike rude people. My hobbies are training and eating. My dream is to one day be a really great ninja that helps others. Except you should already know all that Otosan."

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. I like only one person and I dislike everything except for that person." I'm pretty sure he glanced at me and Kakashi noticed, "I don't feel like saying my hobbies, and my dream is to kill a certain someone and restore my clan."

"Alright then. Meet me at the training grounds by 5 am... Oh and don't forget. Don't eat breakfast." Otosan said.

*I'm so sorry I'm not good at writing long chapters*

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