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Mikazuki's Pov

I know this may sound wrong. But I ate breakfast. Eh I'm bad. Shh don't tell Kakashi.
I hustled down to the training grounds and got their about 5 minutes of. It was only Sasuke and I. Great. I softly smiled. And "looked" ahead.
He stood their for about 10 minutes not even talking. Where was Naruto and Kakashi sensei? Oh wait Kakashi's late to every thing.

"Hey Mikazuki?"

"Mika." My face turned red.

"Alright Mika. The other day when I was talking to you and I said I liked you, I was..."

"IM HEERRREE! Hey where's Sensei?" Naruto yelled. I saw that Sasuke looked pissed and I heard him mumble "dope" under his breath. Oh well Sasuke's gonna have to wait. I wasn't sure if I could though.

-2 hours later-

"Hey guys."

"YOURE LATE!" Naruto and I yelled at him.

"Sorry a black car crossed my path and I had to go the long way."

"Liar!!!!" Naruto yelled.

"But anyways. By 12 o'clock each of you must get one of these bells."


"Hey Naru-kun, want me to get you down?" Naruto was in a bit of a predicament.

"No, Mika I'm fine."

"Ok." I hustled to find Sasuke.

"Need help?" I asked.

"How did you find me?"

"I'm really good in sensing... Since I can't see..."

"Ok. And no I don't need help."

"Ok." And of course Sasuke didn't stand a chance against Otosan. I could just hear it. Well hear goes nothing.
In front of both Naruto and Sasuke I attacked Kakashi. Of course I didn't catch him off guard but I lasted a lot longer. I'm pretty sure both the boys were stunned.
I may not be as strong as Sasuke from what I've heard and felt. But I have one advantage when it comes to Kakashi. I know all about him.


"Times up!" Kakashi yelled. This whole experience kinda sucked.

"You all are never fit to be shinobis. Only Mika got the point of the drill! And she alone was not able to get a bell. Even though she lasted longer! ITS TEAMWORK!"

Sasuke ran at Kakashi. Kakashi quickly sat on him and put a kunai to his throat.

"Naruto. If you don't kill Mika then Sasuke dies."

"WHAT!" Naruto yelled. Kakashi got up and Sasuke trudged over.

"Each day you're life is at risk... So I've decided to give you another chance. I'm going to tie up Naruto and he doesn't get to eat while Mika and Sasuke do."

"WHAT SO NOT FAIR!" Naruto yelled upset. Good thing I ate. I'm pretty sure Kakashi knows I ate.

Kakashi exited and left us to eat.

"I can so go without eating!" Naruto's stomach growled. He groaned.

"Here Naru-kun take my food. I'm fine. I kinda ate breakfast."

"No Mika! I couldn't. Even if you did already eat."

"Here you dope. Take mine so Mika doesn't get in trouble."


As soon as Sasuke put one bite to Naruto's mouth Kakashi appeared with a ton of smoke.

"Why did you give Naruto your food!?"

"Because we're one and he needs energy."


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