Forest of Fluffy Bunnies part 2

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Mikazuki's Pov

Why would Sasuke do that? So it's a good thing Naruto showed up.

"Naruto give it back!" Sasuke yelled.

"DONT NARUTO!" I yelled.

"Who's side are you on!?"


"I know what in doing!" I could tell Sasuke was trying to stay calm.

"What's with the blindfold girl?" That Ninja was right next to me. I didn't answer, "what's your name?"

"Don't answer." I heard Sasuke say.

"Fine then."

"Aaahhh." I screamed as the ninja jabbed a kunai into my side and then holding it to my neck.

"NO!" Sasuke yelled, "Naruto! Give. Me. The. Scroll!

"H-here." Naruto said.

"Take the scroll." Sasuke stated, "just don't hurt her."

"Humph." The ninja said.

The last thing I heard before blacking out was Sasuke screaming in pain.


Ugh where was I?

Everything came pouring back to me. Where's Naruto and Sasuke? I could sense their chakra right by me. They must be knocked out.

I sensed the area around me to find an abandoned open tree trunk that could be very useful. I felt around to find Naruto, so I dragged him over to the tree. I went back to find Sasuke. When I found his body I just slumped over it. Why did this happen? I felt useless. I can't do anything to help. I did my best to get Sasuke over to the tree right by Naruto. I sighed and put my hand to my side. Luckily the blood was all dry, but it's probably infected now... Not much I can do... Time to set traps.


"Well what do we have here?" Those voices.... No. I grabbed a kunai.

"That won't help, weakling." I'm a lot stronger than they think.

"You think a few traps will stop us?!" They laughed. I smirked.

"WHAAT!?" I think they barely dodged the tree trunk. Dammit... Grimacing I grabbed my kunai and charged.


"LEE!?" Thank the heavens. I'm saved.

"I WILL PROTECT YOU WITH MY LIFE!" Lee yelled. This is why I love him as my best friend.

I did my best to stay on guard. A few times I had to defend myself from an attack. That's when Lee was doing the move. The one when you can only use it to protect those who you love. He shouldn't... He'll get hurt. I'm not even that special....

There's a moment in life when you feel that someone you love is in trouble. Now was a moment this feeling was unbelievably strong. I knew it had to be Lee. I immediately dove to protect Lee. My kunai's blade clashed with another. Gritting my teeth, I pushed whoever the attacker was back. They stumbled.


I could immediately feel my fellow genin by me. Hopefully they could help.

"SASUKE-KUN!" Ino and Sakura yelled.

"IS THAT REALLY THE ONLY THING YOU CAN THINK OF!?" I shouted at them. Those brats. We're being attacked and all they can think about is their crush. The two girls seemed to snap out of it automatically putting their 'game face' on.

The fight began.


I made it my job to protect Lee, Naruto, and Sasuke while the others fought. Being good with sensing, I could warn the others when someone was going to attack. So far the fight seems to be going very well. it seemed that we were close to victory... Hopefully.

"Hmph. Like your weak Jutsu's could be us." One of the sound ninjas cackled evilly. At the sound of his voice, I could feel my body being covored in goosbumps as I shook.

"We'll be taking our team mate now." I turned to a familiar voice. Neji. And I felt Tenten.

"Are you just gonna stand there or what?" The sound ninjas said to Neji. But I think we could all tell something wasn't right.

My mind started racing. The chakra felt familiar. But not safe. It can't be... Sasuke!? i could here everyone gasping, he can't be doing to good.

"Mika. Who did this to you all." Sasuke's voice demanded.

"I-uh." couldnt take this anymore. I reached for the wraps. A hand stopped me. Who was that?

"Who did this." Sasuke repated harshy.

"We did." A sound ninja cockily stated.

The last thing I remeber before blacking out was being carried to somewhere.


"I dont think it will hurt to look!" i heard Naruto yell. y head throbbed. Man, I really need to stop passing out. I don't need that to become a habit.

"Don't you dope." Well Sasuke seemes fine.

"Guys..." I called out weakly/

"I'm right here Mika." Sasuke cooed in my ear pulling me into his arms.

"Are you alrigt?" Naruto asked.

"No..." I stayed silent. "Please take the wraps off..."

"I don't think we can do that Mika." Sasuke stated.

"GET THEM OFF!" i couldn't take it. I felt trapped and like I couldn't breathe. No one did anything. Instead, I just broke down.


"Please just leave me..."

"Hey Mika! Don't be like this! I realize it's hard but you're tough!" I heard Naruto yell.

"Thanks Naru-kun... I'm not sure what came over me."

"Since we all seem fine, we need to get a Heaven Scroll or we don't pass." Sasuke said. I totally forgot...

"But most of the scrolls are probably gone..." I said softly.

"We can't lose hope! I mean, we could just open the Earth scroll."

"No." Sasuke growled, "we were told not to."

"And that you shoudn't" We all turned. That voice belonged to Kabuto.

"I'll help ou guys get one if you want. I have all the scrolls so..."

"Then fight me." Sasuke said.

"Sasuke no. He's being nice enough to help." I reminded him.

"Just come on." We followed behind him. Gosh he bugs me. I mean, how do you fail this 7 times!? Wouldn't you have laerned some trick by now? OR he's just absolutely terrible with no skill whatsoever.... So far, Kabuto has informed us all abut Collector's and how we would get our scroll. I wasn't going to lie, this whole thing is kind of creeping me out.  

"How long have we been walking for?" I complained. Which I rarely ever did.

"Hmmm this has been awhile... Haven't we seen this tree before?" Kabuto murmered.

"Genjutsu..." Sasuke hissed, "Someone's watching"

"And we fell right into their trap."


"Bye Kabuto and thanks." We thanked him for helping us out. Especially when we were attacked and needed our Heaven scroll. Luckily we're just in time too.

After entering the tower and solving a riddle, all of the people who passed were now ushered into a room. I wonder what now?

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