Dead and crying

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[A/N final chapter ;-; look for the sequel sometime soon]

-2 weeks later-

Sasuke's Pov

What I was about to do to for Mika was unbelievably unfair. Evil. Cruel. Horrible... The list could go on. And I know I couldn't take her with me. My brother must die, and she must be safe at all costs. Even if protecting her means for me to go rogue and gain ultimate power, I will.

Clenching my fists I made my way towards Mika. I wasn't sure how to tell her but, I had two ways. Knowing her she'd have fallen asleep, which will make it easier for me and harder for her. In that case, I wrote a note. It'll be harder for me to have to explain to her why I'm going.

The moment I came into the perimeter, I sighed of relief. She was under a tree asleep. I approached her setting the letter explaining everything, on her lap. I then crouched beside her and took everything in. She was truly beautiful. The way her hair framed her face and the way skin made her look so innocent and fragile. Everything about her I loved. And now I have to leave. For her. To protect her. But also to kill my brother.

"I'm so sorry Mika...." Tears threatened to fall, "I love you very much. Please keep your promise." Standing up, I had no other choice but to leave. I wasn't sure when I'll be back, but this is the path I must take.

-the next morning-

Mikazuki's Pov

I yawned, rubbing my eyes. Aww man I must've fallen asleep. I hope Sasuke's not too mad. Wait what's this? A letter. Hmm. I snatched the letter from my lap and ripped it open.

My dear Mika,

I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do. It's for your own good. As you know, I must avenge my clan and kill my brother. And by gaining power, I will be able to do so. It's much easier to tell you this way. I'm leaving. I'm going rogue. I'm joining Orochimaru, for he will be able to help me gain power. I'm not sure when I will be back, but please remember that you are still mine and that I love you. And by gaining power, I will be able to protect you, and not let you get hurt. This decision is also for you. Please always keep your promise to me.


Sasuke Uchiha

I stared blankly at the letter. My emotions were mixed. Nothing felt right. What am I suppose to do? I feel dead inside. How should I except this? I don't resent him... But how should I feel ok with him leaving for power!

Because well... Power does horrible things to people.

The Only One (Sasuke Uchiha)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora