Alive and kicking

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[A/N there's only going to be one more chapter after this!!!! Don't worry I'm going to do a Sequel]

Sasuke's Pov

I gripped onto Mika's hand, hoping she'd wake up soon. She's been out for about 2 weeks.

Supposedly, she had tried to take on Orochimaru herself. That baka should know she's not strong enough. And I'm going to get back at him for doing this to her.

"Sasuke you should go." I turned to see Kakashi standing there.


"I'm her guardian so she's my-"

"Then where were you when she needed help."

"What about you."

"But I was told to-"

"And I sent her with Naruto and a few others to come after you. I didn't think she would take matters into her own hands." I stood up.

"Fine." I brushed myself off and stormed past him.

Kakashi's Pov

Once Sasuke left the room I went over to Mika. I say down next to her, grabbing her hand. Hopefully she'll wake up in a few days, so they're letting me take her home... I'm upset with her for thinking she could take on Orichimaru, but I'm relieved that she should be fine. Of course I won't be letting her near any weapons or training... And probably Naruto cause he'll drag her into something.

"You're Mikazuki's Father right?" A medical nin came in asking.


"Well she's free to go. Just sign here."

"When do you think she'll be up?"

"Hopefully by-"

"Oto...san." We both gasped to see Mika struggling to sit up.

"Please be careful!" The nin exclaimed running over to help her sit up.

"W-where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, dear." She nodded at the nin.

"Oh. I-I remember it all." She put her hands to her face, "I-I couldn't do anything... To help." She started to cry.

"Mika..." I stepped forward to comfort her.

"I'll leave you two be. You're free to go whenever." The medical nin said smiling.

"Why did he have to die?"

"He lost a battle but in turn he won the war that saved the village."

"Did I miss the funeral." Her voice was blank.

"Yes. I'm sorry. It's been two weeks."

"Can I visit tomorrow."

"Of course."

"Who's taking over?"

"Her names Tsunade. A medical nin. One of the very best. She's probably the reason you're alive."


"She wants to meet you."

"Ok..." I sighed. She's in no mood to talk.

"Let's go home."

"I like that idea."

-the next day-

Mikazuki's Pov

I woke up to sunlight streaming in through the curtains. I know a lot has happened, but I'm not going to let it get the best of me. Hey! I'm alive and still kicking huh!? But I will say, food sounds really swell right now.

I hopped out of bed and thrust the curtains open. The light came in and blinded me. I couldn't help but smile and take the scenery in. But something else caught my attention. The smell of, sniffing, I knew it could only be one thing. Bacon! I threw on some clothes and sprinted out of my room and to the kitchen.

"I SMELL BACON!" Kakashi turned looking at me surprised.

"Maybe if I knew that bacon could get you up so easily, I would've used it sooner."

"What do you mean?"

"It's dinner time so I thought I would have break-"



"ILL BE BACK!" I grabbed some bacon, shoving it in my mouth, and ran out the door. I needed to find Sasuke! It's been two weeks and he's probably worried.

"MIKA!?" I turned to face Naruto.

"Hey Naruto!!!" He jumped onto me.

"I missed you so much! We all were so worried and that you wouldn't make it!!!!!" He hugged me harder and I hugged back with equal force, "come on! Let's go tell everyone you're fine!"

"That seems like a-"

"Hey dope. Step away." Sasuke was standing behind us, fuming.

"Why!?! We all want to see her!"

"Well so do I!" Already were they challenging each other. Bakas.

"Naruto... I'll meet up with you guys later, ok?"

"Ok." He grumbled stomping away.

"When did you wake up?"

"Yesterday. But today... About 5 minutes ago. Well hey! I was just coming to find you."

"Ok. I was gonna go check on you at the hospital but I guess there's no need now." I giggled.


"Let's go somewhere and just talk."

"Sounds good."


"Can I touch your face?" I asked.


"I mean that probably sounds weird but..."

"Go ahead."

"Ok thanks!" I softly put my hand up to his face. I giggled as his face turned red.

"Alright that's enough." He blushed even more as I removed my hand.


"Don't worry. Can I ask you something? More like two things."

"Ask away."

"One. How was it being with me, and never knowing what I looked like? How could you trust me?"

"I'm not sure. I just could. And I'm glad I did. You're very attractive, but I'm glad I got to know you for you."

"Ya, a lot of girls don't actually care to know who I am. And two... Would you ever hate me for making a decision that impacts the rest of my life and maybe yours... Probably not for the best."

"I don't think I could ever hate you."

"Good because... Meet me at the place I took you for our first date around 10 in two weeks today."


"We won't be able to hangout much until then."

"I'm confused."

"Please just promise you'll always be here for me."

"I promise." He leaned in pressing his lips against mine.

"Thank you." With that, he left, leaving me very confused.

I shrugged it off going to find Naruto and the others.

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