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[A/N this chapter will probably not be the best. I'm making the order they fight random and I'm bad with fighting scenes]

Mikazuki's Pov

We were all grouped together standing in a room with all the Sensei's and the Hokage. We then met out next proctor.

Sasuke was leaning up against me. I could tell he wasn't doing well.

"Now's the time where you can drop out. You may attend next year." Many people left. Sasuke stayed put. That told me that he would be fine.

"Since no one else will be leaving... Time to tell you what you will all be doing." The Hokage's voice said, "Here is the final stages of the Exam. But the preliminaries of the 3rd part. For the preliminaries each of you will be facing an opponent. The winners advance to the Finals in one month from now. Remember, even if you don't make it to the Finals, you still have the chance of being a Chunin. It doesn't depend on if you win the whole thing. Look for your names on the board."

"Uchiha Sasuke VS. Yoroi Akado."

"You got this Sasuke." I whispered as he went down to fight. Of course Ino and Sakura were cheering in the background.

"Mika...." I felt a hand on my shoulder, "don't worry it's me." Otosan, "how are you doing?"




I was waiting for my fight. Sasuke won his but had to be carried off by Otosan for who knows what, since no one will tell me. Naruto won his against Kiba. Hinata lost against Neji (even though she put up an amazing fight against someone too strong for her). Tenten lost against Temari (which surprised me). Shika and Shino won theirs. But, Ino and Sakura took waaaaaaay too long. I swore everyone started to fall asleep. Hell, I think I did. I'm really hoping I don't have to fight Gaara. I'd like to go against Lee...

"You're up Mika!" What? I must've zoned out. Dammit.

"Well what do we have here? Blind girl." Damn that sound ninja. I'm going to win.

Before I was even ready, I was attacked. My body hit the ground and I hoisted myself up. I got into position.

Attack after attack I've been dodging and hitting. And it's only been about a minute!

"Just give up!"

"Never..... AAAHHHHHH!" My scream rang throughout. My hands shot to my ears. I felt something warm....

Doing my best, I crawled up off the floor summoning all the strength I could muster.

"COME ON MIKA USE ALL THAT YOUTH!" I smiled. Lee and Guy really know how to cheer someone up.

"ELECTRIC SHOCK NO-JUTSU!" I yelled as I pressed my hands onto the sound ninja. He yelled in pain. Good. Once he was stunned I did a roundhouse kick to to the head. He groaned in pain and fell to the ground, "ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE NO-JUTSU!" And as soon as the blast hit him, all I could hear was the proctor saying I had won... Above all I could here Lee and Naruto yelling their heads off. I couldn't hold my smile down.


"Naruto what's happening!!!"

"Lee.... He-he's...."

"He's what?!"

"He's doing really good! He had these weights on his legs and now that they're off he's sooo fast!"


"Now he's doing his Lotus move!" Naruto told me. Lee's doing great!

"Guy... Is that..." Kakashi asked.

"Yes." What are they talking about.


"Yes Mika."

"What move is he doing?"

"It's like Chakra gates that comes from the body's limitation."

"Can it damage Lee?"

"Yes if you're not able to handle it. There's 8 gates. I can do all 8. Lee can do about 5." Guy told me resting a hand on my shoulder.

"How? He's so young!" Otosan murmured only loud enough for me to hear. I didn't like the sound of what was happening. It sure is safe to say that anything can be going fine and then all of the sudden it gets turned around...

"Otosan.... What's going to happen to Lee?" I could hear his constant grunts and pleas.

"I'm not sure." I buried my face in his chest hugging him. He sighed putting an arm around me.

Lee's battle ended badly. If only Gaara hadn't smashed both Lee's arm and leg... Then he would've won, and won't be in such critical condition. He may never be a Shinobi again! But knowing Lee, nothing will stand in his way of being a splendid ninja.

"Miss Hatake." I turned around to the voice.


"The Hokage would like to see you."

"Ok thanks." I wonder what he needs.


"You wanted to see me Sir?" I asked walking into the Hokage's office. I probably should've told Kakashi where I was...

"Yes I did. I would like to congratulate you on your win."

"That's very kind of you."

"But. With the finals coming you have to give it your all. So I would like to ask you if for the next month you would be my student..."

"WHAT! I'm not THAT special!"

"Well... Yes you are. Starting tomorrow. You will be taking the blindfold and wraps off. But only for training." I couldn't breathe. These things are coming off!?!? "Also. Only Kakashi shall be informed of this. But you can tell whoever that you're training with me."

"I-I thank y-you... I um guess... I just can't believe I'll be able to see!"

"I can tell you're excited. Go home and rest. You have a very exciting day ahead of you."

"THANK YOU!!!" I waved running out the door home. I couldn't wait to tell Otosan!

-at home-

"OTOSAN!!!" I yelled running in the house, slamming the door open.

"Hmm..." I swear if he's reading that book....


"No need to yell, I'm right here."




"Really!?" That got his attention. I heard his book drop, "you're kidding!"

"NO! But I can only tell you..." I felt myself being pulled into a hug. I squeezed back.




"Ok... IM GOING TO BED SO TOMORROW COMES FASTER!!!" I sprinted to me bed tripping a few times in the process.

Kakashi's Pov

I smiled thinking about Mika finally being able to see after more than 3 years. I was shocked to find that information out but very happy. I'm just hoping that she handles exactly what she has well.

I should go see if the Hokage will let me be there for tomorrow. Sasuke can wait a day, family's more important.

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