Turtle? Bushy Brows!?

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Mikazuki's Pov

Naruto, Sasuke and I all met up and began to walk to the building where the Exams are being held. I was very nervous.

"Come on guys walk faster!?" Naruto yelled. Man he's impatient. Sasuke grabbed my hand and dragged me along so I wouldn't run into anything.

As we entered the building and were supposedly on the 3rd floor something didn't feel right?...


"How dare you!" Those voices sounded familiar.

"I hope you realize that this is genjutsu..." Sasuke pointed out. I nodded. I knew something was wrong. I could tell the situation was tense because Sasuke and this guy went to kick at almost inhuman speeds. They were stopped. The only person I could think of to do that would be one of my best friends who I haven't seen in awhile, Rock Lee. I smiled.

"MIKA!?" I felt my bones being crushed in a hug. I knew it was Lee. I could feel anger radiating off of Sasuke, "My dear Mika, I haven't seen you for so long I want to ask you to be my beloved youthful girlfriend, and I will protect you with my life!"

"Lee... I uh..."

"Get away from my girlfriend. Freak."

"Sasuke don't be mean to my friend."

"Friend? He's fucking trying to go out with you." I was being dragged out of the room, "I don't want other guys touching you." He growled.



"YOU!" I heard Lee yell, "what's your name?"

"Uchiha Sasuke, you?"

"Rock Lee. And I challenge you to a battle."

"Sasuke we should get to the room." I pleaded... I don't think he could beat Lee...

"No. This will only last less than 5 minutes." I nodded.

From what it sounded like, Sasuke wasn't doing so well. I know he's strong, but not as strong as Lee.

"Lee! You know that move is forbidden." Oops Lee did it again.

"I-I'm sorry."

"IS THAT A TURTLE!?" Naruto yelled.

"How should I know, I can't see." I grumbled.

"Oh sorry."

"You're going to have to talk to your Sensei about this!" I heard someone say to Lee.... No. Not Guy... Ugh. Well. Here goes nothing. He actually helped train me when I was younger.

"HOW DARE YOU!" I heard Guy yell.


"DONT DISRESPECT GUY-SENSEI!" Lee yelled. I heard a slap and some crying. Man those two look a likes are eccentric.

"Oh hello Mika how are you my youthful student!" I felt Guy pull me into a hug. He's not as bad as I let him on to be.... I grew up around him.

"How do you know him?"

"Well I'm Kakashi's Sensei's eternal rival! And I helped to train Mika when she was young. But anyways. LEE 500 LAPS!"


"Let's go guys." I said. Us 3 walked towards the room with Kakashi outside of it.

"I'm so glad you all made it. If one of you hadn't come, none of you would be able to participate."

"I thought you said it was something we chose on out own."

"Well I lied. So good luck."

We walked through the doors.

The Only One (Sasuke Uchiha)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant