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Shooting up in my bed, I bit back a scream.

I ran my hands through my hair. Just a nightmare.


I...I know it's true...I could have...I should have saved them.

I sighed and got out of bed, blanket wrapped around me before padding out to the kitchen.

Well that was the plan.

But there was light coming out from under Kaldur's door.

So me being me, I knocked.

"Come in."

I opened the door and entered his room, only to see Kaldur sitting at his desk looking through some papers.

"What is it Megan?"

He thinks I'm Megan? Wow. Either our footsteps sound the same or he's tired.

"Really Kaldur?"

At the sound of my voice he sat the papers down and stood, looking at me.

"Apologies, I thought you were-"

"Megan I know." I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"What is the matter?" He questioned, returning the hug. "Could you not fall asleep or-"

"Nightmare." I mumbled into his chest.

He sighed and picked me up before laying me on his bed. "What was it?"

I swallowed and refused to look at him. "It...it was my fault. They all died... because I didn't protect them. There were so many ways I could have saved them and-" I broke off, burying my face in his pillow.

"How many of them would have ended with your death?"

I didn't answer.

"Percy, you know I-"

"I know what your oath is Kaldur! I still wish you didn't take it."

There was no response.

I sighed and sat up. "I just...I hate that you're in danger."

He gave me a small smile and sat beside me. "As do I. That is why I took it. Because I wish for you to be safe."

Then he shook his head and stood up. "Please get some sleep. I will be right here. I must finish these papers for Batman."

I groaned and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him back onto the bed. "I wanna sleep with you."

"Why must you be a child?"

"Because I need to be a child for the both of us. And...I think you know the other part to this."

"Okay. Just let me turn off the light."

After the light was off he climbed back into bed and wrapped an arm around me.

I snuggled against him, breathing in his familiar scent. "Um... Kaldur?"


"Do you...ever regret it?"

He sighed. "Never."

"I mean-"

"Go to sleep Percy."



But no matter how hard I tried...I just couldn't. I just laid there and eventually listened to Kaldur's breathing even out.

I groaned softly and pressed my palms into my eyes. I don't...I don't want to see that again.

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now