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The air was filled with smoke as I followed Wonder Woman through Percy's mind.

"Why...why it like this?" She mumbled.

"You know this place?" I looked over at her before turning my gaze back to burning rubble.

Without responding to me, she flew away and I quickly flew after her.

And that's when we found Percy.

She stood in front of a few teenagers, all bleeding from multiple wounds. Sword raised, her eyes seemed to glow as she faced down some twisted creature. Tears trailed down her face.

Wonder Woman pulled out her lasso and tossed it. She pulled it tight around the creature until it dissolved into golden dust.

"Need some help Kelp Head?" Wonder Woman asked.

Percy lowered the sword and her eyes dimmed. "That was the last monster."

She touched something to the tip of the sword and it disappeared. She turned and looked down at bodies behind her. She dropped to her knees and checked each of their pulses before sobbing and hugging a corpse to her body.

"What happened?"

"Someone killed the tree. Then monsters flooded in. We- We weren't enough. Everyone's...everyone's dead." Percy whimpered and reached out to another corpse.

Wonder Woman sighed and knelt down before picking up Percy.

"Come on, let's go someplace safe." Wonder Woman started walking.

What are you doing?

We need to get Percy into a memory before she started having these nightmares.

I didn't question her, only looking around in wonder as the scenery shifted to an appartment.

Diana sat Percy on a couch and I noticed her outfit had changed.

"Hey Sally, I brought Percy home." Wonder Woman called.

A woman walked into the living room, her hair pulled into a ponytail and an apron on.

"Percy, are you okay?! Are you hurt? Let me look at you." Sally rushed over. "Where'd all of this blood come from?"

"I got hurt and healed it. Didn't wash the blood off." Percy said. "Hey, did Kaldur ask about me?"

"Do you think he wouldn't?"

Percy smiled as Sally sat next to her. She leaned into her side. "Mom, he's overprotective."

My eyes widened and I stared at Percy's mom.

"He's your best friend, basically your brother, and he'll die if anything happens to you."

"I never asked him to take that oath."

Everything shifted and I was pulled deeper into Percy's mind.


"You can cooperate or not, we are going to do this either way." Batman crossed his arms.

"You are not going to learn anything different than what I have already said. Percy is my best friend and we have known each other since we were infants. I promised to protect her when we were around eight and then four years later I swore an oath of fealty to her."

"And why was that?" Martian Manhunter asked.

"It was what I was raised to do. Upon her birth, her father declared that she was to have a guard to protect her from danger. My king chose me since I was born shortly after. We spent as much time together as our schedules would allow. And when she was informed of her father's identity, I swore my oath to her. Since then I have done whatever I could to fulfill it...except in the cases where she purposely kept me out of the flow of information."

"Manhunter, now."

"Uh...what the Hades was that?" Percy stood up.

"I am your guard."

"I get that part. But why?"

I shrugged. "Your father wants you to have a guard."

"Unbelievable. He can knock my mom up leave and then use me to fulfill his own agenda and now you're going to be in danger because of it?!"


"I'm not an idiot. I know what that oath means. If I die, you die too. I'm a half-blood Kaldur! A child of the Big Three! It's a miracle I'm even still alive in the first place. I don't want you to get hurt!"

I reached out and placed a hand on Percy's shoulder. "Percy, I am not being forced into this. This is my choice to make. And I am making the choice to swear my life to you. I know the risks I am taking on, and I know there is a high possibility of my death, but I do not care. I have every intention of keeping the promise I made you and this allows me the opportunity to do so."

She sighed. "I still don't like it."

"You do not have to like it, because I plan on making you cookies."

Her eyes instantly lit up and I smiled as she tried to stay mad. I laughed and picked her up, slinging her over my shoulder.

"Since when have you been this strong?"

"I'm Atlatean. I am stronger than Earthers."

Percy managed to maneuver herself until she was sitting on my shoulders. "You better make me cookies."

"I know better than to lie to you."

"Good. Now help me down."

Once Percy was back on the ground she pulled me into a hug. "I just want you to be safe...you're my best friend I don't want you to get hurt."

I pulled away and pressed a kiss to Percy's forehead. "And I don't want you to get either. Which is why I'm not going to let you get hurt."

"And you know I'm going to keep you away from Annabeth right? The two of you together...oh my gods, that would be terrible for me. I would die."

I rolled my eyes. "Percy, keeping you from dying is my job. And I'll do whatever it takes to do my job, even if it kills me."

I'm just going to go get food...

Either a breakfast burrito or a chicken party

See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now