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I paced the length of the mission room, nails digging into my arms.

"Kaldur calm down, we'll find her." Robin didn't look up from the computer screen. "Do you know who would want to kidnap her?"

I didn't stop, the pit in my stomach growing.

I...I should have been watching her...

"Dude." Wally ran infront of me and grabbed my arms. "You need to stop pacing and answer the question. We can narrow it down and it might make you feel better."

I stared at him before pulling away and continuing to pace.

If it happens to be one of her enemies...

I started shaking, tears beginning to well in my eyes.

She'll die.

"Kaldur..." Megan rested a hand on my shoulder. "We can find her. You just need to help us."

"That is the issue. I can-"

The Zeta Tubes fired up and my king emerged along with Batman, Black Canary, and Green Arrow.

"How long ago was she taken?" Canary questioned.

"Three hours. We tried to follow her but they got rid of the tracker. Superboy is still out looking." Robin looked up. "Now are you going to tell us who might have taken her?"

"I do not-" I coughed harshly.

When I pulled my arm away I stared at the blood.

This is not good.


I shifted my gaze to King Orin.

"We need to find Percy if it's already bad enough for my oath to start taking affect..."

His jaw clenched. "Did you check the security cameras?"

"Nothing." Robin sighed. "But Kaldur, you need to get checked out dude. You should definitely not be coughing up blood."

"I will be fine." I kept my voice even as  the pain grew. "But I fear for Percy if we cannot find her."

"Why are we even thinking about this? It could be anyone, even just a gang member." Artemis crossed her arms. "We should be out there looking instead of trying to go through a dead end."

"None of the gangs have been active since I put away the kingpins." Green Arrow looked at his protegée.

"That would leave a power vacumn. Head over and see if you can find any leads. Aquaman-"

"I would prefer to help the Team with this matter. Especially with Kaldur like this." He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"We will find her. If it comes down to it we could always ask her father."

I swallowed. "You know I would be forfeiting my life."

"And we both know you would do it a heartbeat. We both would."

I nodded and put my hands in my jacket pockets...mainly to hide how harshly they were shaking from the Team.

Unfortunately, Artemis caught the movement and narrowed her eyes at me.

My hand wrapped around something and I pulled out a pen.

"Why would Riptide be with you?"

"She did not have pockets, my guess is she left it in here the last time she wore it."

I stared at the familiar pen, which seems so unassuming. But when Percy uses it, I sometimes forget that I am supposed to protect her.

"Kaldur, do you have any idea? I can't keep asking you." Robin ran a hand through his hair.

"You guys try to figure out which of the Team's enemies might have taken her. Kaldur and I will attempt to identify any of Percy's." My king guided me away from them and to my room.

"Are you okay my son?"

"I will be fine." I mumbled, wiping away the blood trickling down my chin.

"Kaldur'ahm you are not going with them when they figure out where Percy is. You will be in no shape to fight by then."

I looked away from him. "You know I must. If I do not go I am breaking my oath."

I do not care if I am half dead, I will always fulfill my oath. Percy may be older than me, and feel like she's supposed to protect me, but I need...want to protect her.

That's all I have ever wanted to do. When I was first told why I was raised alongside her...I was not angry.

I was happy. I could have rejected it and never spoken to Percy again...

Though that might have ended badly.

But I chose this. I chose to pledge my life to her.

My hands began to shake again as I ran through every time I didn't protect her. Her stepfather...her bullies...every single time I let something happen to her.

I knew that taking the oath would cause it to all pile up heavier and heavier...

But I still took the oath because I wanted her to be safe.

So nothing like that could happen to her again...and if it did she could blame me.

And now...

And now I...

I might have signed her death certificate by failing to be there. By failing to watch out for her.

Failing to do the thing I have reminded her time and time again that is my job and...

Tears began falling down my face as I silently sobbed.

Failing to protect her.

My king sighed and took my shaking hands in his own. "I do not wish to say it, but sometimes oaths must be broken."


I whimpered as the knife was twisted.

"I'm impressed, many would scream." Sportsmaster picked up a different knife and placed the point under my chin. "Let's see if we can change that."


I feel like crap...which

Is why I didn't go to school today

If I offer you a cookie tomorrow (you know who you are)

Don't eat it...

Or do, I'm not that sick.

Plus I mean 106°F is when proteins start to denature (lose their shape) so I don't think any germs will survive in an oven heated to 350+ degrees.

And uh....

*puts on running shoes*


*hands starters pistol*

You can figure out what to do.

See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now