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Orin sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Please...my son, you must do this if you wish to get better."

I looked away and pushed his hand off. "I do not need to do anything."

"You do if you wish to remain on the surface." He said. "Besides, this is an order Kadur."

Standing slowly, I grabbed my jacket off of the dresser. However my king placed a hand over mine to stop me.

"What you have on will be fine. Now I recommend we hurry, Black Canary may end up being needed."

I stared at him before nodding. My king led me out of my room and to the room where Canary was waiting.

The windows had been darkened, preventing me from seeing inside. Apparently I was looking at them for too long because Orin conmented.

"I asked her to tint the windows so you could speak without worry about the others seeing you."

I nodded and walked inside, freezing in the doorway. "Percy?"

She looked up at me and that seemed to flip a switch. I rushed over and pulled her into a hug, burying my face in her shoulder.

"You're alive." I mumbled, fingers digging into her. "Your Highness..."

"Let me go Kaldur." She pulled away and immediately slapped me. "That's for disobeying an order."

Her eyes moved from the bandages around my arm to the one around my neck.

She pulled me into a hug. "This is because I'm sorry."

A smile tugged at my lips. I wrapped my arms around her as well.

"I swear my loyalty, my service, my protection, and my life to Princess Persues Jackson, daughter of Poseidon. I refuse to abandon her side even if she dismisses my service. I swear it."

"Can the two of you sit down so we may discuss this?" Black Canary asked.

My shoulders dropped before I nodded. Percy and I sat on the chair, Percy practically curling into my side. My king sat on the arm of the chair next to me.

"My son...you said this was not your first attempt. You also said you had tried in Shayeris. Do you want to explain that?"

Swallowing I shook my head, running my fingers through Percy's hair.

"We were fourteen." She spoke. "It was...It was right after Bianca and Zoë died."

"Percy, please...do not." My body began to shake.

"He helped raise us...and he knows some of the worst parts already. We've put off telling him everything he should know for long enough."

"So are you going to tell him about your attempts as well?" I whispered.

"If it will let me tell him about yours, yeah."

I sighed. "Fine."

Orin rubbed my shoulder upon hearing my concession.

"You know he blames himself for whatever happens when I'm gone. Everything I blame myself for, he blames himself for that stuff and the fact that I blame myself."

"I wrote a note for Percy and...I slit my throat."

Black Canary leaned forward to rest a hand on my leg.

"I found him." Percy mumbled. "I managed to stop the bleeding and...I risked everything to save him. Even risking him dying."

"That was after I stopped her first attempt."

"First attempt?" Orin sounded faint.

"Pills." Percy mumbled. "I tried it almost right after I got home. He walked in on me."

The rest of the time was spent explaining the past attempts and coming up with explanations for the godly aspects.

Tears trailed down Orin's face and he kissed the top of my head. "My children."

"Black Canary, do you mind if I ask you to leave us?"

"Tell me what they tell you." She quickly left.

Orin took her seat and stared at me and Percy.

We ignored him and I pulled Percy closer to me, softly whispering assurances to her that I would not try again.

Her face was pressed into my side and I finally relaxed. My princess is safe, I can protect her...

I must protect her. I have failed too many times already.

"Percy, what happened when you were captured?"

"Torture duh." She managed a chuckle.

"No...I mean...you were naked when we found you and I assume Sportsmaster was the torturer. So did he...rape you?"

I looked down at Percy, fear blossoming in my stomach.

She shook her head. "He actually saved me from that...and he did take off my clothes but he was being...uh...polite about it, I guess that's the word. The poison they gave me made me throw up and stuff. If I would have stayed in those clothes, I would have died before you found me."

"He couldn't have found you other clothes?"

"He did for a time. Then he realized they were getting in the wounds."

"Sportsmaster was being kind to you?"

"He said I reminded him of his daughter. Now uh...Orin, can I just kinda sit here with Kaldur? Please?"

He smiled softly and moved over to us. Kneeling on the floor, he wrapped his arms around us both.

"Come by Poseidonis sometime so I may treat you like you are truly my children."

He got up and left, leaving me with my princess.

I sighed and brought her hand to my lips. "You know we will have to explain everything to the Team correct?"

"I know...let's put that off for as long as possible."

A smile appeared on my face and I pulled her closer.

"I am okay with that."

I'm not gonna lie

This is crap

This was supposed to go one way bit it ended up here and I still haven't done my homework

But this is why I have twenty minutes before school and study hall

See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now