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I sighed as the Zeta Tube announced me.

Bruce wants me to move some stuff around the Cave and everyone else...is...busy.

I stared at the body resting on the floor for a second before flying over.

Rolling them into their side, I swallowed.

Gods what did I do to her?

My cousin's shirt is completely soaked in blood, her chest barely moving.

I scooped her up before running back to the Zeta Tube.

Hurriedly typing in the destination, I gently cradled Percy to me.

Her body is so cold...

When I finally made it home, I laid her in the bathtub before running some hot water.

"Come on..." I stared at her as the water started turning red. "Heal yourself Percy."

But...I don't think it's going to work...

Lifting her out of tub, she stayed wet, not dry like she usually would.

Okay. If she can't, or won't, heal herself...then I guess I'm going to have to doctor her up myself.

I brought her into my bedroom and laid her on my bed before taking her shirt off.

"Oh gods." I covered my mouth. I didn't think I did this much damage...

And I never thought that she wouldn't heal it.

Taking a deep breath I walked back into my bathroom to grab my medical kit.

Which of course has everything needed to take care of an injured demigod.

First things first, I need to stitch her up... seriously how has she not bleed out?

Despite my hands shaking, I managed to thread the needle and carefully started to clean the wound.

Then I stitched it up, repeating the process with the other ones that littered her body.

"Where did I put that nectar?" I mumbled digging through the kit before pulling out the flask.

Gently lifting Percy up, I poured a little bit through her open lips...

Why is there blood? Why is there blood?!

She'd only have blood there if she had blood entering her lungs.

Tears fell down my face and a sob broke past my lips.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Percy."

I ran a hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry...I never should have done this to you. You don't deserve this. Not after everything that's happened."

Not after she risked her life, not after she had to see her friends die.

Not after I knew she's hurting.

"I... I'm such an idiot. Why would I do this to you? How could I hurt you when you're already hurting?!" I knelt down, resting my head on the bed.

My body shook hard...and then harder still when Percy's breathing grew audible.

It sounds so painful.

"I'm so freaking sorry Percy. I'm so sorry."

Standing back up, I wiped my eyes.

Crying won't help her. She's going to need food.

I walked out to the kitchen and washed my hands before making some food for my cousin.

I quickly fell into the routine motions, what I did drifting away.

But that ended just as soon as it began when a scream rang out.

"Crap." I sat the bowl on the counter before flying into my room.

Percy was sitting bolt upright, tears pouring down her face.

"Kaldur?" She whimpered, looking around.

I sat down gently pulling her towards me. "It's me Percy. Diana. I'm here."

She struggled against my grip, but she's too weak to do anything more than that.

"I'm sorry for what I did. You don't deserve it."

"Yes I do..." She mumbled.

Frowning I ran a hand through her hair. I thought Dinah said she gave her antidepressants.

Well...I guess she hasn't been on them for that long though. And it takes...I think she said two weeks for any noticeable change.

"Listen to me. I was mad and I took it out on you. I shouldn't have. But I guess that was the only way I could even think to cope with it."

"Where's Kaldur?" She looked up at me.

"On a mission with the rest of the Team...I should probably head back to the Cave and clean up the blood. Explaining that wouldn't be fun."

"I can do it when I get back."

"You're not going back until I'm sure you're okay."

"Kaldur will-"

"Do you think he won't worry when he sees what I did to you? And did you even try to heal them?"

She shook her head.

I sighed. "Can you at least tell me why they didn't heal when I put you in the bathtub?"

Her only response was a shrug.

"Well then, how about we get you some food in you?"

"Not really hungry."

Biting my lip I grabbed a small piece of ambrosia and handed it to her.

"At least eat this. I gave you some nectar earlier, but the faster this heals the faster you can be prepared for a fight."

She nodded and stuffed it in her face a smile appearing. "Mom's cookies..."

Then she sighed and got up...and apparently she just noticed she was missing a shirt

"Um...can I borrow a shirt?"

Nodding I grabbed one off my dresser and handed it to her.

After she put it on she groaned. "Gods, this hurts."

"And you're just now discovering that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, but now you feel bad about hurting me and I feel like I deserve this so I feel like you shouldn't feel bad, but since you are that makes me feel bad and...you know what, I think I'm gonna head back to the Cave." She got up and walked away.

"You don't know where the Zeta Tube is!"

"I'll find it!" She yelled before I heard the door close.

Guess who's tired?

I am!

So I'm just gonna go

See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now